In the beginning it can feel as though nothing is going to change. With time, you’ll notice everything about you has changed and it’s all changed for the better.
You Manage Your Thoughts And Feelings
You’re no longer ruled by your every whim and whimsy. Depression, anxiety, cravings, and more are manageable to you now because you’ve put in the work to understand your own mind. Through meditation and practicing cognitive behavioral therapy you’ve learned to detach from your thoughts and free yourself from the bondages of your mind.
You Can Give Yourself Credit
Recovery has boosted your sense of self-esteem and self-worth. Today, you are aware of the good things you do and the good things about you. You can look on your life with healthy pride. More importantly, you have a lot of humility in understanding how far you’ve come and how hard you’ve worked to get to where you are today.
You Make Emotional Choices
Therapy and treatment has taught you that it isn’t about what happens to you but how you react to it. Your reactions are completely within your control. Not every day is going to be perfect and thankfully neither are you. When you set your mind to experiencing the day a certain way, you do. You decide what effects you, how much it affects you, and the way in which it does. Emotionally empowered!
You Live In The Present Moment
Anxiety over the future is fleeting and ruminating on the past doesn’t happen as often. Prayer, meditation, and mindfulness are all tools you use to help stay in the present moment- awake, alive, aware, and grateful.
You Have Quality Friends
The people around you are dedicated to something positive in their lives and constantly work to better themselves. Every now and then you find yourself in astonishment as to just how cool your friends are today and how lucky you are to have them. They’re lucky to have you, too!
You Stop To Smell The Roses
Life is full of wonder and awe for you today. You’re able to notice the little things without sweating them and take life for all that it is. After years of darkness, you live fully in the light and you wouldn’t trade it for another drink or drug.
You Have Goals
Staying sober, one day at a time is still your daily goal. Now that you’ve been in recovery for some time, you’re setting your sights a little higher. Going back to school, traveling, getting a job, advancing your career- you’re setting goals and crushing them.
We know there’s a better life for you waiting on the other side of addiction. Let Enlightened Solutions show you the way. Through holistic healing, clinical treatment, and creative arts, supported by 12 step philosophy, our treatment program will help you heal and change into the amazing person you are. For more information call 833-801-5483 today.
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