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How You Can Celebrate The Earth This Earth Day On April 22

If you’re feeling anxious about the marijuana-laden “420” celebration coming up on April 20th, you can skip that holiday and head straight toward Earth Day, happening on April 22nd. Earth day is a planet wide celebration honoring our beloved blue ball which we call home. Recovery can give you a lot of perspective, including a whole new view on the way you relate to the planet. In recovery, you learn to look at your body like your home. By holistically connecting with your body, you learn how drug and alcohol abuse damages that home. Self-care is how you learn to respect, honor, and nourish your body instead of harming it. The same lessons apply to planet earth as you realize that every part of your life is in a way your home. Each part of your life, like the planet you live on, deserves the same conscious, humble respect as your physical form. Earth day is the perfect opportunity to put some of your recovery tools into practice for making changes, getting grounded, and celebrating life.

Get more eco-friendly

Thankfully, it is easier today than ever to live a more eco-friendly life on a budget. Shop for “green” and eco-friendly products made with recycled materials, sustainable practices, and non-toxic chemicals. Ditch your harmful toxins and chemicals safely. Opt for more sustaianable and reusable products instead of plastics and harmful chemicals. Introduce more solar to your house where possible and put mindfulness notes over the light switches to remind yourself to turn lights off. You can do simple things like switch all of your bills to email in order to reduce paper, and much more.

Ditch plastic for a day, or a year

Plastic is one of the biggest threats to our planet. Finding reusable products not made of plastic is the perfect antidote. Look for glass products that help you reuse, like glass straws and glass storage containers for the kitchen. Use reusable grocery bags instead of paper or plastic ones.

For all of the plastic and paper you do end up using at home, set up a recycling system. Recycling can be more than paper and plastic. Set up a can for aluminum, glass, paper, and plastic. Make it part of your regular routine to take recycling to a donation center.

Plant a garden and get dirty

Even if you don’t have a backyard or a balcony, you can still get your hands in the dirt, or bring some earthly greenery into your home. Succulents are the easiest plants to tend for and don’t require much attention. Keeping a small herb garden is easy and makes your cooking more delicious than ever. Plenty of devices exist for growing small vegetables and fruits in your house as well. You can even buy a countertop composter for collecting food waste and turning it into rich soil for your plants.

Spend time outside

The best way to celebrate Earth day is by connecting to the earth. Get outside, kick off your shoes, and sink your toes into something natural. Take a walk, take a hike, lay in the grass, or swim in some natural water. Bring your mindfulness tools with you and notice all of your senses as you connect to the Earth. You’ll notice that your sympathetic nervous system slows down, you feel more relaxed, and you feel more at ease. Being a human on earth is a gift. Being a sober human on earth is even better.

The best move to make for recovery from drug abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call (844) 234-LIVE today for information on our partial care programs.

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