For most of the country, flu season never left this year. Bout after bout of flu-like sickness has come in swarms from the spring, through the summer and into the fall. Now that flu shots are being offered, it is time to look at natural remedies for helping to fight off the flu this season.
Drug and alcohol abuse compromise the immune system’s ability to fight for itself. Though recovery from drug and alcohol abuse is a move in the right direction, it can take time for the immune system to rebuild. At Enlightened Solutions we maintain a healthy, sustainable and organic diet to help support nutritional health. It is common to catch numerous colds throughout early recovery when not taking the proper preventative cautions to ward off infections.
You might be inclined to buy over the counter sprays to deal with your stuffy nose. Doing a warm water rinse or using essential oils is much more highly recommended. You can use a netty pot or a saline rinse to do the job. Different recipes exist using baking soda and salt. Salt water rinses help break up congestion while clearing out any viral infection. Though it is not recommended to use essential oils in the nasal cavity, putting Eucalyptus oil near the nose and on the chest or throat will act like Vick’s vapo rub!
Now that we have the stuffy nose taken care of, let’s tackle that itchy throat. Drinking plenty of warm liquids is a great way to manage a sore throat. Warm water with salt as a gargle can be helpful. Many throat tea variations are helpful especially when drank with honey. Honey is a viscous liquid that helps soothe the throat while creating a thick coating.
Taking a steaming hot shower, sitting in a steam room, or creating a steam over the stove can be helpful for clearing congestion. Try hanging a satchel of eucalyptus and lavender beneath your shower head during a hot shower. For over the stove, boil a pot of water and add a few drops of eucalyptus, lavender, or other essential oil. Putting a towel over your head, hover over the hot pot.
Eating a diet rich in Vitamin-C is best for fighting off the flu. Though there are different foods with different properties which might be more useful than others, maintaining a healhty and balanced diet is key. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Avoid salty, sugary, inflammatory foods. Typically, abstaining from dairy is best for dealing with congestion.
Enlightened Solutions provides nutritional and holistic training to patients to help them support their new lifestyles with healthy practices. We believe in the necessity of living well for wellbeing. Our certified dual diagnosis treatment welcomes those seeking to transform their lives. For more information call 833-801-5483.
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