There is an opioid epidemic happening right now and it’s killing people at an unprecedented rate. The President of the United States has made the declaration that this is a Public Health Emergency. However, there is still much to be done to receive actual results. While critical funding is being slashed from Medicaid and The National Institutes of Health, effort was put forth to tap the accounts dismal $57,000 of funding.
On average an inpatient treatment center cost $12,000-$60,000 for a 30-day stay. This is simply isn’t enough for the task at hand. To put things into perspective, in 2016 there had been 64,000 overdoses. Families across America are losing loved ones daily to this rampant disease.
Pain management can be a problematic for prescribing doctors across the US. The DEA has been cracking down doctor shopping yet the problem hasn’t slowed down. Prescription opioid deaths have quadrupled since 1999. However, the amount of pain reported has not seen much of any change. There’s something to say for personal responsibility, but something has to be done here to save some lives.
The federal government will be investing in non-addictive painkillers, and prevention. However, there progress has been minimal so far. Meanwhile, addicts are gaining tolerance for medications and having to find the drug on the streets. Often times, abuse starts off with legitimate use, followed by a slow progression of addictive behavior.
When opioids are combined with benzodiazepines and/or alcohol the rate of overdose increases. For those who cannot afford the pill form will resort to using heroin. This can either be administered orally or for faster relief through snorting crushed up pills, or intravenously. By sharing drug paraphernalia addicts transfer HIV, hepatitis, STDs, and other blood-borne diseases. These are only a few of the opioid risk factors and statistics that have shown to be the epitome of what’s going on without any real solution. Get help before it’s too late.
If you are struggling with opioids or you know of someone who is, there is help for you! Enlightened Solutions is a facility that will save your life. Don’t hesitate and call today: 833-801-5483.
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