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Seeing Depression as a Deep Emotional Awakening

The way that depression is experienced is influenced by the way that it is defined. For many, depression is considered a static state. Depression is on or depression is off.  Sometimes this may be true, but often, depression is more like a dimmer light switch.  Depression is slowly turned on and is slowly turned back off.  The way that we related to it when it is slightly on is different than the relating that happens when it is at full throttle.  

When depression knocks on the door of life, it is time to adjust the way that we are living. It can begin as a slight numbness.  In fact, if one is not living in a daily relationship with their emotional world, depression may stealthily slip in unnoticed.  If depression is notice at an early stage, actions may be taken to enliven the spirit.  If the early beckoning goes unnoticed, depression will begin to call our names louder, like a mother from the 80s calling a child home to the porch from a neighborhood bike ride.  Depression will make sure that you have heard its call.  Until responded to, it will continue deepen its hold until you are listening.

Being hunted by depression is painful and exhausting – the running and hiding, only to inevitably surrender. Depression simply wants to offer you an opportunity to evolve in life.  In the same way that depression can slowly set in, it is often a slow process to find relief from depression.  It involves taking daily actions that allow the healing process to begin.  It is the daily consistency of these actions that moves you back out of depression.  The consistent, daily practices needed to produce freedom from depression cultivates one of depression’s greatest gifts, patience. With the expansion of patience, you become a person who perseveres. As patience, perseverance and daily mindfulness through practices are integrated in you, you have a heightened awareness the next time the fog of numbness rolls in. Although you have momentarily lost your sense of sight in this fog, you trust the strength of your other senses to guide you through it as you take immediate action.

Another potential outcome that a journey with depression fosters is the determination to live more attuned to your daily emotional state.  It can begin by simply pausing several times a day and asking the internal self: what do I feel? What do I need? These questions will amend the conditions that beckon depression.  


If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

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