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Tag: healing

3 Crystals You Need For Recovery

Crystal healing is an ancient spiritual practice. Beautiful crystals, gemstones, and minerals live within the depths of our planet. Beneath the surface of the ground, hidden within caves and stones, are stunning, energy harnessing crystals. Using crystals for healing in recovery is a holistic treatment method which relies on energy. Eastern philosophies of the body believe that we store energy in specific areas of the body, which creates stress. Within our bodies are natural channels and pathways for the energy to flow. Emotions, pain, grief, trauma, stress, and other negative factors can block these meridians causing both psychological and physical side effects. Crystals, along with other holistic treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic, help move or release that energy. Crystals can also provide pain relief, enhance creativity, sharpen focus, or bring good social connections.

For Goop, certified shamanic energy medicine practitioner Colleen McCann shares some of her essential crystals and some of their properties for healing. We’ll include why they’re helpful during the recovery treatment process.

Black Obsidian
Good for: grounding
Chakra: first (root)
Recovery: Anxiety is a highly occurring dual diagnosis with substance use disorders and can commonly be a side effect of withdrawals, as well as coping with difficult emotional work. Anxiety sets off the fight or flight mode, causing us to feel disconnected. Grounding is an important practice for being rooted in the present moment.

Rose Quartz
Good for: positivity and love
Chakra: fourth (heart)
Recovery: McCann writes that rose quartz “enhances all types of love: self-love, love for others, and unconditional love.” Love and compassion are essential for recovery. Helping with self esteem, confidence, emotional regulation and more, rose quartz gives extra support in recovery.

Lapis Lazuli
Good for: communication
Chakra: fifth (throat)
Recovery: The first step in recovery is admitting we have a problem. Speaking our truth starts us on the path to recovery and carries us through as we learn to live by the suggestions of a program which “demands rigorous honesty” as The Big Book emphasizes. Maintaining honesty through open, healthy communication is an essential part of growth within recovery.

Enlightened Solutions offers a holistic treatment program which utilizes alternative eastern treatment methods in addition to evidence based proven western clinical modalities. For information on our partial care programs of treatment call 833-801-5483.

5 Things You’re Doing Wrong With Your Sleep

5 Things You’re Doing Wrong With Your Sleep

Sleep is essential to healing. When you are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, it is critical to get a deep sleep every night for at least 6-8 hours. Some doctors believe that 8-10 hours is better for recovery. During sleep your body and your mind are healing. Sleep is a time for the body to rejuvenate and mend itself back together. In the brain, all of the information from the day is being sorted out and organized. Addiction and alcoholism are disease of the mind, the body, and the spirit. Sleep has a great influence on spirit as well. Without a good night sleep during treatment, you will be less focused, less aware, less present, and likely very cranky. Enduring ongoing symptoms of withdrawal requires you to have energy and endurance, a great deal of which can be sourced from sleep.

  1. Your room is chronically messy: Most treatment centers with residential living, or sober livings where you stay while attending a partial care program, will ask you to keep your room clean and make your bed. This is for a few reasons. First, they are likely to conduct tours for other clients. Second, it is a good practice in discipline to keep your room clean and make your bed every day. Third, having an organized room helps maintain a calm energy in your room. If you go to sleep with a messy room, you’ll likely sleep without the deepness you need to be fully rested.
  2. Your sleeping environment has too much light: Some people like to sleep with the lights on. Others feel that they need total darkness. Certain kinds of light can be stimulating to the brain. Though you might sleep, you won’t be getting the deep states of sleep that you need.
  3. You eat a lot of sweets before bed: Sugar is a stimulant that not only keeps the brain awake, but causes cravings and dehydration. Though you might fall asleep after a bowl of ice cream, you’ll wake up in the night to drink some water, or you might have restless sleep. Try to drink a calming herbal tea before bed or have some sugar free dark chocolate, which will help your body digest and detoxify through the night.
  4. You are using your phone while in bed before going to sleep: Social media, email checking, and engaging with various apps on your phone all stimulate the brain in different ways. What is most problematic about using your phone during the time you are trying to fall asleep is the blue light. Ideally, you should put down your phone at least an hour before your bedtime to help your brain destimulate and prepare for rest.
  5. You don’t help yourself sleep: There are many luxuries for sleep which are actually helpful. Ear plugs, eye masks, weighted blankets, aromatherapy, sound machines- all of these small luxuries can greatly enhance your night’s sleep. Try investing in some of these items and your payoff will be ten times the reward.

Enlightened Solutions takes a holistic approach to addiction treatment by bringing together various disciplines to create an effective program for mind, body, and spirit. For more information on our partial care programs, call 833-801-5483 today.

You Didn’t Know How Good Massage Was For You

Massage is good for Muscle Recovery

Massage helps to loosen up muscles that are storing tension. Tension in the muscles can come from strenuous physical activity, sickness, and stress. Muscle tension prevents the natural flow of energy from moving through the body. Additionally, tight muscles can lead to injury and muscle trauma, which is very painful and takes time to heal. Through massage therapy, tight and tense muscles get released, also releasing any toxins being held in that area. If you cannot get regular massage treatments, doing self massage on your shoulders, arms, and legs can be of great benefit. Self-massage is a great way to practice self-compassion and self-care.

Massage is good for Lymph Nodes

The lymphatic system is important to the body. Healthy lymph nodes means a healthy body. Massage helps to stimulate the lymphatic system by causing lymphatic drainage. Massaging lymphatic areas helps to release waste and toxins stored in lymph nodes. Cleaning out the lymphatic system improves the immune system, increases metabolism, and helps the body better to function.

Massage is good for Relaxation

Massage is usually seen as a luxury activity for relaxing days at the spa. All that muscle work is of no coincidence with the ability to relax. Many massage therapists have healing energy that is transmitted during their massage work. In fact, many regard massage as a healing touch, and those who practice is have healing hands. Not only is massage itself relaxing, but it is actively aiding you in being able to relax. Working on tense muscles helps you to notice where you are holding stress. Then, you can let it go. You begin to relax on a mental, emotional, and physical level because everything is connected holistically.

Massage is good for Circulation

Especially for people recovering from intravenous drug use, helping the circulation of blood flow is an important healing aspect. Massage is proven to improve over all circulation. There is an increase in blood flow and vascular function. Circulation is important for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction because the entire body needs to heal.

Massage is good for Healing

Massage is recommended as a healing tool for people after surgery. Detox and recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is it’s own kind of surgery. Recovery is a long process of healing, for which there are many ways to help. Massage helps people in recovery relax and release emotional stress they may not be able to otherwise.

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