At Enlightened Solutions, we believe in holistic care and offer a safe space for all, regardless of one’s diagnosis. At the very beginning of your time spent as our client, we evaluate you to see if you have any co-occurring diagnoses, but we still treat you as a whole person. We know that with proper care and healthy practices, you can overcome your struggles with addiction to alcohol or other substances or behaviors. We also know that overcoming any other diagnosis is possible. We believe in every single one of our clients and their ability to recover from their addictions and mental health diagnoses.
When you choose treatment at Enlightened Solutions, you are choosing wellness. We offer many resources to ensure you are at your best when you leave our New Jersey treatment facility. As part of your treatment, we want to help you learn how to best take care of yourself so that you are ready to tackle life and live the life you want when you return home. We encourage and provide you with the resources to eat healthy, exercise, and engage in therapy before we consider medication needs for your co-occurring diagnoses. We want you to have the life you always imagined and wanted. We know struggling with multiple diagnoses can be challenging, and we want to set you up for success.
As part of your treatment at Enlightened Solutions, we offer clients sustainable food. We provide organic and healthy meals as part of our resources for your treatment. We utilize our own gardens as part of our therapy options and use the foods we grow as part of the healthy diet we provide to clients. We want to ensure you achieve your best health, and we begin by ensuring you eat wholesome and sustainable food.
Exercise promotes endorphins, which improves mood and combats anxiety and other mental health diagnoses. We utilize various forms of exercise in your treatment, including yoga and walking in nature. We recognize that movement therapy will help your recovery and improve your mental stability, making recovery easier to manage and more sustainable.
As part of your treatment at Enlightened Solutions, you will work with an individual therapist and participate in other groups to learn how best to manage your symptoms and navigate recovery. You will learn how to set goals and meet with your therapist weekly to discuss your progress and any changes that need to be made to ensure your progress in meeting your goals for adequate management of your co-occurring diagnosis.
Sometimes, medication is necessary, but at Enlightened Solutions, we want to ensure you can live your best life and know that sometimes medication can cause unwanted side effects and be frustrating to the person trying to overcome their diagnosis. We begin by establishing wellness goals to help you find balance. If medication is necessary, we will help you find the right medication and help you learn how to balance your life with the side effects. When you leave our campus, we want you to be able to greet your life with whole wellness and not just depend upon medication for your well-being. We treat you as a whole person, not just a diagnosis.
Managing a co-occurring disorder is difficult. You may have utilized your struggle with alcohol or other substances or behaviors to manage your symptoms. Understanding what to do when met with a diagnosis or challenging symptoms can seem overwhelming and uncertain. At Enlightened Solutions, we help you develop solutions to “retrain your brain” and develop more positive coping strategies to enhance your well-being and develop a healthier life.
Mindfulness has been shown to be effective in promoting one’s well-being and enhancing one’s wellness. At Enlightened Solutions, we utilize mindfulness in everything we do. Being mindful is just one part of our holistic treatment and has been shown to support a healthier life.
Part of retraining the brain requires examining your thinking. Some refer to problematic thinking as “stinking thinking.” Stinking thinking often gets us into trouble and makes us more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors and sets us back in our recovery. Examining our thoughts and adjusting them according to the truth and reframing those thoughts in a helpful manner will help you have a more successful recovery, not only from addiction but also from any co-occurring diagnoses.
Having a co-occurring diagnosis does not define you, just as your addiction does not define you. You are always a person first. You are defined only by what you want and allow. You are a person with unique strengths and challenges. Having a history of addiction to alcohol or other substances or behaviors is not the essence of who you are, just as having a co-occurring diagnosis does not define you.
Life with a co-occurring diagnosis may seem impossible to manage, but at Enlightened Solutions, we believe life can still be enjoyed and lived wholesomely. We believe in wellness and retraining the brain to live in a sustainable way that enriches your life and the lives of others, no matter your diagnosis. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction to alcohol or other substances or behaviors, hope is available. At Enlightened Solutions, we recognize that addiction sometimes happens with a co-occurring diagnosis, and we are ready to treat the whole person, not just one aspect of your struggle. We believe in your ability to overcome addiction and any other co-occurring diagnosis. You are a person first at our treatment center. If you want to overcome addiction or a co-occurring diagnosis, call us at (833) 801-LIVE and learn how to live your best life.
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