Why are you alive today? If we struggle with depression, anxiety, addiction, any kind of mental illness, or just the sheer enigma of human existence, we might wake up and ask ourselves that question. Why? Why are we here? Why are we alive? We don’t always get a clear answer as to why. Moving past the why, we start to fall into the what. Our what usually has to do with our why and it falls under the word purpose. What is your purpose? We can assume that we are alive for some reason and that reason must have a purpose if it is not our purpose entirely. In the days when we wake up and ask ourselves why or ask ourselves what all we have to do is put our hand on our chest to feel our heart beating. Yes, we are alive. Yes, there is some purpose. Our heart is beating. We are alive. There is a reason for that because there is a reason for everything.
Our humanity is plagued with existential crisis. Men and women who have lived with addiction know the struggle personally, especially in the first stages of their recovery. Addiction is a purpose for many men and women. Having lost connection to other parts of their life, many a man or woman found themselves wondering if they had a purpose outside of addiction. What if, they wonder, this is it for me? What if this is all that I am? All that I am meant to be? What if this is the role I am meant to fulfill? What is this is my purpose? As soon as they realize they can make a decision to get sober and seek help all of the negative and hopeless perspective of addiction changes. Something else is possible.
As long as we are alive, we have possibilities. We have potential even when we don’t have a plan. It is always possible to get sober. It is always possible to seek help. It is always possible to find and change your purpose.
Your purpose on earth is not suffering and being sick. Your purpose on earth is to find and strive to achieve your potential along with all of its possibilities.
If you are seeking transformation and looking for a dual-diagnosis treatment, our facility’s amazing program could be the answer you’ve been searching for! Enlightened Solutions offers a clinical, holistic and 12-step approach for the addiction recovery process. For more information call today: 844-234-LIVE.
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