The idea of making time for self-care can be daunting. We feel like we don’t have enough time, or we feel like there is so much to do, it would be selfish to make time for ourselves. The truth is, the more we can find balance and take care of ourselves, the more we can give to others, and the less likely it is that we will burn out. How would it feel to set the intention to do one good thing for ourselves every single day?
The demands of daily life can be so overwhelming, the last thing we want to do is add more obligations to our already full schedules. If we can carve out even just a little time, however, we’ll start to see huge changes in our mental and emotional wellbeing. Chances are we’ll feel less stressed, reactive and overwhelmed. We might be more patient and more present. We’ll enjoy the small, beautiful moments on a more regular basis and pause to feel grateful for the blessings we’re experiencing in those moments. Incorporating just one small act of self-care on a daily basis can do wonders for your mood and emotional resilience. You might find appreciating yourself feels so good you’ll want to find ways to add more self-care to your daily routine.
Nature’s healing benefits are transformative. Taking a few minutes to listen to the wind in the trees or to sit by the ocean can be soothing and help calm an anxious, restless mind. Find a nearby park or body of water, take off your shoes, and let yourself feel more grounded and centered.
Taking on a meditation practice might sound daunting in and of itself, but once you’ve practiced even a little, the calming effects of meditation will be something you look forward to. Pick a mantra or affirmation, focus on your breathing, or do something meditatively i.e. focusing on one thing with intention, like walking or cleaning up.
Give yourself some alone time. Take a bath or read a book before bed, go for a walk in the morning, pause on the porch before coming in after a long day. However you can do it, give yourself time to recharge. Always answering the demands of daily life, we get little time to ourselves.
Some of the emotional stresses that can contribute to depression and anxiety can be alleviated by focusing time on self and self-care. You deserve it, and the people around you will benefit from a calmer, more present, happier you. You’ll be better able to focus on the tasks at hand, and more prepared to deal with whatever comes your way.
Learning to prioritize self-care is something many of us struggle with. Enlightened Solutions can help. Call (833) 801-LIVE for support.
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