Sometimes we think of the problems in our lives as being isolated issues, and we don’t always take a step back to look at how they’re all connected. Everything we do, feel and think is part of the larger framework of who we are. We are made up of our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical selves, and everything is connected. When we can look at things in this way, it can help us to learn who we are and find healing solutions to our problems.
Many of us living with addictions and mental health issues have multiple things we’re dealing with at the same time. Many of us are termed “dual-diagnosis” when we experience a substance abuse problem and mental disorder at the same time. When we are able to look at our issues as being connected, we can begin to understand ourselves, how we developed these conditions, and how we can recover.
Our issues are often a manifestation of our traumatic experiences and the responses we have to them. How we process our fears, manage our moods, work with our emotions and handle our thoughts- everything is affected by trauma. Many of us have a tendency to want to escape our pain, many of us never deal with it at all. In our avoidance, we turn to addictive behaviors and thought patterns. Everything we go through is informing our development, and every facet of ourselves is affected by everything else.
In working through our trauma, it can be highly beneficial to work with holistic healing practices. They approach our various illnesses as being an interconnected manifestation of the whole person and all of our experiences- our fears, traumas, relationships, memories, behaviors, thoughts and feelings. There are healing methods that address all of our issues together, and they include therapy, meditation, yoga, energy healing, and chakra healing.
When we are suffering and in crisis, our symptoms are overwhelming, and we need relief. We struggle with panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, insomnia, and various problems with our physical health. Holistic healing methods can provide relief from our symptoms and help us heal the underlying issues and clear the energy of fear and trauma we’ve stored within us.
Seeing our challenges not as isolated illnesses to approach separately but as a part of the whole can help us to unearth critical information about who we are as people, how we can manage our pain, and how to work towards recovery.
Holistic healing is a major focus of treatment at Enlightened Solutions. Call (833) 801-LIVE for more information.
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