One of the reasons we experience extreme mental and emotional health challenges is because oftentimes we aren’t grounded or centered within ourselves. To help us manage our thoughts, moods and emotions, we can practice grounding and centering exercises.
When we don’t feel grounded, it is often because we have an imbalance in our root chakra. This energy center governs our sense of stability, security and safety. When our root chakra is balanced, we feel rooted in our purpose, confident about who we are, centered in ourselves. We feel stable and secure in our daily lives. When our root chakra is out of balance, we often feel highly anxious and depressed. We can feel lost, confused, distracted and unmotivated. We might feel overwhelmed and stressed. We might feel like we don’t have a sense of direction or purpose, we might not feel at home in our own skin, and we might be struggling to feel at peace within ourselves.
Everything in our lives can knock us off center if we allow it to. Interpersonal dynamics, daily stresses, challenging life experiences. When we are grounded and centered within ourselves, we feel a stronger sense of resilience. We feel better able to handle our thoughts and feelings. We feel confident facing challenges. We can bounce back more easily from setbacks. We can better protect ourselves from extreme breakdowns in our mental, emotional and physical health.
Walking barefoot in nature is a powerful grounding tool. Feel yourself connecting to the power of the earth underneath you. Embrace the magnificent beauty of the natural world and remind yourself that you are a part of it. Know you are being supported by the universe. Walking meditation is a wonderful healing technique you can easily incorporate into your self-care routine.
Visualize yourself rooting downward into the earth. We are connected to the land. Allow yourself to feel that connection and let it help you heal. Visualization is a powerful healing technique. Visualize roots extending downward from your body into the core of the earth. Feel the earth’s strength empowering you.
Practice repeating affirmations like “I am safe. I am secure. I am balanced. I am being guided and protected. I am loved and supported.”
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