Being sober means different things to different people. However, one of the main goals in sobriety is to live life without the assistance of any substance in the body. When entering in the world of recovery, there are many areas of life that are suggested to work on within themselves. The marijuana maintenance program is the theory that a person can smoke marijuana safely without using any other mind alternating substance. This can be a controversial topic because many don’t feel marijuana is considered to be harmful in any way. What others feel, is that marijuana alters the mind, therefore, those who partake are not technically sober. There are few exceptions.
Recently the legalization of marijuana has been a hot topic. By 2017, twenty-nine states had passed laws regulating the amount users can hold. This was a huge win amongst its supporters. However, not all users are looking to get the relief from the high. The medicinal usage is becoming more acknowledged as a form of treatment. There are benefits for those with seizure disorders such as epilepsy and this is truly progress. This along with other medically inclined benefits are solid reasons for the law to have been changed.
Often times, marijuana is compared to alcohol in the sense that it’s not a “hard drug.” In these cases, marijuana can seemingly act as a legal substance without harm, for those without addiction. There is a commonality that expresses that alcohol and marijuana are a gateway into the darker world of hard substances. This may not be true but when someone uses marijuana, the mind has been altered. When the mind is altered, those with addiction become vulnerable and numb which is what the mind wants.
The disease of addiction boils down to the urge to fill an empty void inside. When a person with addiction or alcoholism accepts this and begins to focus on the healing process, the need to numb will fade away. It takes willingness and consistency to let things go. Pain and struggles are apart of life and the only way to grow is to feel feelings. Whether or not marijuana is considered a drug, it alters the mind. The disease of addiction may as well be the disease of the mind. Reaching for any substances to escape or even relax, wont do any good. Sobriety, meditation, and healing will do more than enough.
If you are suffering from alcoholism, addiction and/or mental health, there is hope for you! Open your mind to life-changing treatment in beautiful New Jersey at Enlightened Solutions. For more information please call today: 833-801-5483.
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