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Tag: Community

How Can I Help Loved Ones Understand Addiction?

When you are recovering from addiction, it becomes clear that some who have not experienced addiction firsthand may struggle to understand it. It can feel isolating when your loved ones do not know what you’re going through. Helping your loved ones to understand addiction better involves taking it one step at a time to build more effective communication.

Addiction is a family disease. Addiction to one family member can create toxicity in the entire unit. At Enlightened Solutions, we believe in incorporating loved ones into the healing and recovery process.

Can My Loved Ones Understand Addiction?

Without experiencing addiction firsthand, your loved ones will have a different perspective on addiction. However, they can understand it as they learn alongside you. Loved ones are likely to have frustrations. Your behavior, choices, and journey are unfamiliar to them, which can be frustrating. Additionally, addiction commonly brings chaos, which likely has impacted their lives as well as your own.

There are certain aspects of addiction that you can help your loved ones to understand. By incorporating them into your treatment, they can learn about addiction as a disease. At Enlightened Solutions, we help family members to understand that addiction is a disease. As they learn about the different aspects of addiction, it can give them a more educated perspective that goes beyond their direct experience of watching you struggle with substance abuse.

Your loved ones can also learn by communicating with you during your treatment. In family sessions, all parties have their turn to speak and share. Both sharing and listening are educational experiences. Your loved ones have the opportunity to learn about your direct experience with addiction and be able to share theirs. This setting helps all members to communicate, connect, and understand each other better.

Benefits of Your Loved One’s Participation in Treatment

You and your loved ones make up a family system. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), when a family member’s thinking and response to addiction changes, the entire family system changes. This, in turn, has a very positive outcome for all involved.

It is helpful when your family understands addiction and how they can support you in a way that benefits you and them. Their participation in treatment provides the tools to protect their health and aid in the recovery process. While every family unit looks different, family therapy in addiction treatment often includes learning about boundaries, communication, and respect. This will be two-sided, meaning you and your loved ones will both need to make adjustments to these aspects of your relationship.

There are many benefits of including your loved ones in treatment. Below we will outline a few that can be highly impactful for you and your loved ones.

Family Healing

Addiction often causes a tremendous amount of damage to your relationship with your loved ones. In Enlightened Solutions’ family program, we work to address this. We want to involve family and loved ones in the process of healing so that they can heal alongside you. When this is facilitated in a safe environment, such as a family program, it is more likely to be successful. You and your loved ones will learn the skills needed to both heal and move forward with an improved relationship.

Family healing means more than simply addressing each individual. It is a unique blend of addressing the past and looking forward. For you and your loved ones to heal, you must find a way to function differently in the future. We help your loved ones learn the skills they need to protect themselves while improving their understanding of addiction as a disease.

Strengthened Communication

As the foundation of the relationship, communication is vital. For both you and your loved ones, many adjustments will improve your relationships. You and your loved ones can learn how to communicate how you feel and what is happening internally. This helps both parties heal and move forward with a more intimate knowledge of each other.

Improved communication helps you and your loved ones in and out of your direct relationship. In recovery, you will be returning to many social situations that will benefit from the practice you have put in through our family program. Practicing listening, articulating, and exploring different ways to communicate will help you at work and with other friendships in your life. Recovery will require you to make changes in many aspects of your life, including relationships. A family program, like the one at Enlightened Solutions, helps you learn how to communicate better as you move forward.

Healthy Boundaries for You and Your Loved Ones

Communication is also vital in the formation of new and healthier relationships with your loved ones. In many families in which a member has struggled with addiction, there is commonly a lack of boundaries. Healthy boundaries are integral to healthy relationships for you and your loved ones. Acknowledging and communicating these boundaries will help all parties care for their needs while maintaining a relationship.

Without experiencing addiction firsthand, it can be tough to understand. At Enlightened Solutions, we offer a family program that can be participated in remotely or in person. We believe in the power of family healing. In sharing your experience, your loved ones can start to understand you better. As they learn more about the process of addiction, the relationships will change. Healing as a family requires listening and sharing from all parties. As you hear about each others’ experiences, you can work together to adjust how you function as a family unit. To learn more about our family program and how we can help you, call (833) 801-LIVE today to speak with a staff member. 

Healing Our Community for Over 20 Years

For any industry with a mission to serve, community inclusion and service are crucial to success and sustainability. Creating space for community members in need and offering something different to fulfill those needs is critical. Enlightened Solutions has accomplished this and more by finding creative ways to promote healing within the community.

For over two decades, the Enlightened Solutions family, rooted in the Hansen Foundation, has been immersed in the community through various events and hosting activities open to the public. By doing so, awareness of the services offered and the potential for community change and treatment through Enlightened’s unique treatment approaches has increased.

Our Founder

Jennifer Hansen is the founder of Enlightened Solutions and the well-known non-profit The Hansen Foundation. She created The Hansen Foundation approximately two decades ago to fund sober living facilities for men and women in South Jersey after entering recovery herself. After this success, Jennifer founded Enlightened Solutions to continue helping others who were impacted by substance abuse. Jennifer has dedicated herself to healing and restoring the community over the last two decades.

Jennifer lives a holistic lifestyle and believes in the value it can bring to community members and those in treatment and recovery. A yoga instructor herself, she incorporates yoga into the treatment programs offered at Enlightened Solutions. Through yoga, clients and community members can experience healing of the body, mind, and spirit. Specialized yoga classes tieing in the 12-Step process have been proven especially beneficial for those in treatment. Each of the Twelve Steps is associated with a unique yoga pose, allowing for a physical connection to that step.

Jennifer finds great value in consuming organic, nutritious foods and feels strongly about protecting and nurturing the earth that provides them. You will find that the menu at Enlightened Solutions sites is composed of locally grown fresh foods to promote healing from the inside out.

The Enlightened Farm

The Enlightened Farm serves as somewhat of a focal point and produces the nutrient-rich, organic foods that Enlightened Solutions offers its clients. Horticulture programs at the farm aim to bring together those battling addiction, those in recovery, and those who strive for holistic wellness.

Through the Regenerative Agriculture Program, organic vegetables, eggs, herbs, and flowers are produced and provided to the various Enlightened campuses and Serenity Houses in South Jersey. Things such as soil health, companion planting, and integration with wildlife are prioritized. The farm’s Sustainability Program involves transferring all food scraps from the various kitchen sites weekly to be used as compost creating organic fertilizer and topsoil.

The farm also hosts horticulture therapy. This allows clients to experience various natural mediums to promote healing, overall wellness, and environmental awareness. Sessions are offered to clients twice a week, and families are welcome to attend monthly to encourage reintegration. This alternative therapy is one of many offered by Enlightened Solutions.

The Enlightened Farm also provides opportunities for community service, volunteering, and employment. This can be a huge area of need for those in treatment or recovery. The Growing Gratitude Program offers weekly opportunities to serve the community through service at the farm.

The Enlightened Volunteer Program is a community-inclusive activity and is open to anyone interested in learning to care for a farm or wanting to contribute to the overall mission. Alumni, community members, and members of local organizations and businesses are welcome to participate.

By hosting Community Volunteer Day open to the public twice per month, community members are able to get involved and learn more about what Enlightened has to offer. Participating members are offered a free recreational class in appreciation for their efforts.

Seeking and securing employment can be difficult following treatment and during recovery. Enlightened Farm offers a Solid Roots Employment Program that assists those new to recovery in transitioning back into the work world. Benefits include job training, skill development, and positive socialization and fellowship.

Community Events

In addition to recurring offerings at the farm, Enlightened Solutions hosts a variety of events each year designed to serve and involve the community. Examples include a Charity Golf Tournament, Fluke Tournament, and drug and alcohol-free music festivals. By offering such events, the community becomes more aware of the mission and more inclined to consider getting involved.

Enlightened Solutions makes every effort to remain integrated into the community and extend its knowledge and belief in holistic healing. By offering programs and activities at the farm and hosting large events for the community, Enlightened continues to reach and positively impact more community members each year. Consider stopping by the farm or attending the next open event to experience the power of community healing for yourself.

Enlightened Solutions is unique in a variety of ways. In addition to our various holistic treatment modalities offered and whole-person healing objectives, we aim to serve and involve the community as much as possible. We believe in helping the community become healthier, more informed, and live more sustainably. The Enlightened Farm offers many programs to meet the needs of those in treatment, in recovery, or who want to learn more about farming or our mission. By providing opportunities for community service, volunteering, and employment, the farm can serve as a stepping stone for those in treatment or new to recovery as they regain their footing and prepare to re-enter the workforce. By involving the community in farm activities and local events, Enlightened Solutions touches lives and spreads the mission of the organization well beyond the facility doors. If you are in need of treatment, call Enlightened Solutions at (833) 801-LIVE.

Why Is Community Building In Recovery Important?

We are our best selves when we surround ourselves with people who care about us and desire for us to achieve our goals. Recovery is challenging work and is best managed when we have the loving support of others in our lives. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) explains that there are ten components in recovery for mental health and addiction issues. Of those components, three are focused on community: relational, peer support, and person-driven. These three aspects of recovery signify the importance of community and force the recognition of recovery requiring a community of support.

Recovery Does Not Occur in a Vacuum

Our recovery impacts more than our own lives, just as our disease impacted more than ourselves. The beauty of recovery is not only in our ability to focus on living our best lives for ourselves but also in our willingness to invite others into our lives and help them as they help us.

Recovery happens best when we allow others to help us. Most recovery programs involve the development of a support system, whether it be from friends and family or from others who are also striving for their own recovery. One important thing to remember as we push toward recovery is that we need help, and we cannot recover on our own.

Why Have Community?

Having a community or a healthy support system enables people to live their best lives and be their best selves. Having a healthy support system is having a healthy community. While every member of the support system may be struggling with different problems on different days, there remains the possibility of support for that person and for yourself through the different members and allies in your support system.

When you are struggling in recovery from addiction to alcohol and/or other substances or behaviors, having a friend who can hold you accountable can enable you to succeed in recovery.

Finding Community

The most beneficial aspect of community as you press into recovery is the solid realization that you are not alone.
Addiction robs us of our dignity and our lives. As we progressed in our disease, we felt increasingly alone, escaping from our support systems and hiding our behaviors. Choosing recovery means choosing life and choosing to engage with those we love, opening ourselves up to being loved.

Recovery involves choosing people over behaviors. This choice suddenly helps us find community and the impressive knowledge that we are no longer alone.

Why Is Recovery Relational?

As SAMHSA explains, “Recovery is supported through relationships and social networks. A crucial factor in the recovery process is the presence and involvement of people who believe in the person’s ability to recover.” Support systems are essential to recovery. Having a support system can be a defining factor in the success or failure of one’s recovery. Having people who believe in your ability to overcome addiction to alcohol and/or other substances and behaviors can be the catalyst for change in your life.

Your support system needs to have people who do not stigmatize you based on your disease. You are not your disease, and having a support system consisting of people who see you beyond your diagnosis and past behaviors is critical to your success.

Many people care about you. You may not realize that, but as you progress in your recovery, you will find yourself surrounded by people who care about you and want to see you succeed.

What Does Peer Support Mean?

Peer support involves your allies in recovery. While there are people who think support comes best from those who understand the disease, such as health professionals and/or others who have struggled, in truth, support can come from anyone. Your allies in support are your friends, neighbors, family, faith leaders, and community members – those with whom you are willing to share your struggle and ask for help.

Another valued aspect of peer support is your helping others. Do not believe any internal dialogue suggesting you are incapable of helping others because of your own struggles. Instead, recognize how, because of your life experiences, you can offer unique insights into the struggles of other people. You play a role in your support system. You can help others too. By helping others, you are helping yourself.

Quality of Support

You have the right to recover. A diagnosis does not define you. You have the right to live your best life. As such, you need to be surrounded by people who believe in you and are willing to help you engage yourself to your highest potential.

As an individual navigating recovery, you have the right to choose your support system. You are empowered to know what you need and who is best able to support you as you push into a life of recovery. Developing a support system is not just about having a certain number of people ready to support you. Remember that quantity of persons able to support you does not equate to the quality of support.

Your Community Is Vital

As an individual, you have the right to recover in your own way, choose those in your support system, and ask for help. Asking for help is critical to your recovery, which is why a support system is so vital for your recovery and overall wellbeing.

Understanding that you are not alone in your pursuit of recovery is the basic building block of a successful recovery. At Enlightened Solutions, we recognize your need to have a solid support system, which is why we have an integrated approach to recovery in all of our clinical settings. As you pursue recovery, Enlightened Solutions provides resources for you and your family to help ensure your success. Our clinicians come alongside you as your allies in recovery. The most important thing we want you to realize as you pursue recovery is that you are not alone. We are ready and willing to help you take the next steps toward your recovery. Contact Enlightened Solutions and learn how we can help you begin building your best life and become your best self. Call us at (833) 801-LIVE and choose a life of community and growth.  

Recovery and the Hierarchy of Needs

“If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.”
-Abraham Maslow, Humanistic Psychologist and Creator of the Hierarchy of Needs

American psychologist Abraham Maslow created what he called the Hierarchy of Needs to describe the motivational steps required for growth and human achievement. Maslow placed these needs in a hierarchy on a pyramid, meaning that some of our needs build the base of the pyramid and each need fulfillment brings us closer to “self-actualization.” “Self-actualization” refers to the apex of what we are capable of achieving and becoming.

While addicted to alcohol or substances, we may have forgotten about our life’s purpose and neglected to fulfill our own needs. We may need to begin our recovery at the base of the pyramid or at another step along the way toward our self-fulfillment.

According to Maslow, we need to fulfill our needs in the most basic areas before advancing toward fulfilling needs that are considered to be of a higher order. The hierarchy of needs is as follows, beginning at the most basic of needs to the highest need of self-actualization:

1. Physiological Needs: Food, Shelter, Clothing–the Basics

The first set of needs on Maslow’s pyramid is the basic, physiological needs all people require for survival. Most of us in recovery have these needs fulfilled, however, we may need help maintaining these basic needs. We may also neglect the importance or value of these needs and how they can be vital to recovery. For example, eating food that is nutritious and healthy will fulfill our needs better than eating junk food. Once we have our basic needs met we move on to safety and security needs.

2. Safety and Security: Routines and Predictability

Many of us in recovery may be at this level. We may have been surviving, but our lives have become chaotic and unpredictable. We may have lost our means for financial support or support from our families to supply necessities, which helped us to feel safe and secure.

Safety and security needs help us feel stable in our lives. Without stability, we may be surviving at only the most basic of levels. Once we have our safety and security needs met, we move on to seeking love and belongingness needs.

3. Love and Belongingness: Support Networks

We are social creatures and thrive when we feel a sense of love and belonging. When others accept us, we feel that we belong to something greater than ourselves. In recovery, we may need to build support networks for ourselves to lean on when things are tough.

Recovery is challenging, but we are not alone in this journey! Peer support and group sessions can help us fulfill our needs of belonging and give us a sense of community. Once we feel that we are loved and belong, we begin to work on our esteem needs.

4. Esteem Needs: Dignity and Reputation

Our support networks can help us feel stronger and we can begin to feel better about ourselves. Then, we can work on esteem needs. Esteem needs relate to how we feel about ourselves and how much we feel others value us. In recovery, we may need to learn how to love ourselves.

We may feel that we let others down with our addictions and seek to rebuild our reputations. Having dignity and self-respect will help us achieve our goals for our self-fulfillment. Being respected by others may help us feel better about ourselves if we feel that we have hurt others in the past with our addictions.

Once we build our self-esteem and self-confidence and build up our reputation, we can look towards the apex of the pyramid: self-actualization.

5. Self-Actualization: Our Best Self

The top of Maslow’s pyramid is the highest need of all. Self-actualization is our need to become the best that we can be. When we have all our other needs fulfilled, we can be our best selves. While we may have a vision of what the best version of ourselves is, without the other needs being fulfilled, we may find accomplishing our highest goals to be extremely difficult, if not impossible.

In recovery, we remember that we are on a journey and the destination is our best self. However, we cannot climb a mountain without drinking any water! We will have a difficult time facing challenges without emotional support and encouragement from others.

When we begin our journey in recovery, we must look forward while recognizing that climbing the pyramid of self-improvement takes time. Step-by-step, fulfilling our needs along the way, we can make it to the top!

While engaging in addictive behaviors, we may have neglected some of our most basic needs while surviving day by day. We may not have been looking forward and have only been fulfilling our basic needs without addressing all of our needs to achieve all that we are capable of. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs can guide you in your recovery by understanding what you may need to work on to begin working towards becoming your best self. What are you capable of? What is the best that you can be? Self-discovery can be difficult, but even if you are lost, you are not alone! Many others are also seeking care and treatment for their addictive behaviors that have been holding them back from living their best lives. Enlightened Solutions has been helping others like you achieve their goals with an emphasis on finding your fulfillment. Call us at (833) 801-5483 today to begin your journey toward self-actualization!

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