Opioid Addiction Is Severe; Treatment Should Be Unique
There’s a problem with claiming to have the solution to addiction. Addiction doesn’t look the same to everyone. That is why Enlightened solutions provides individualized recovery and treatment plans to each resident. Through a series of intensive screenings, diagnostics, and evaluations, the specific diagnoses of each resident is created. From there, our certified and experienced clinical staff is able to work with the patient to suggest and provides the best course of treatment possible. Meeting the needs of each individual client is a necessity to ensure successful treatment and contribute to lifelong sobriety.
Individualized Approach
Individualized treatment methods are important because not everyone comes to their addiction i the same way. Part of the appeal of twelve step recovery is learning that while each person’s story may be different, the generalities of addiction are the same. More often than not, however, treating only the generalities of opioid addiction will not lead to lifelong recovery. Opioid addiction especially needs to be treated with specificity.
Opioids are powerful narcotic substances which are highly addictive. Currently, America is undergoing multiple opioid crises, primarily in the Midwest, New England, and along the East Coast. While typical treatment has helped some up until now, professionals and government officials are calling for more. Recently, the US Surgeon General released a special report on the state of opioid addiction in the United States. The Surgeon General called form more funding for treatment, implementation of harm reduction practices, and more prevention services.
What Are Opioids?
Opioids can include:
Prescription Painkillers
Synthetic Opioid Drugs
Derived from the opium poppy plant, opioids provide pain relief. Creating morphine in the system, opioid substances work with naturally occurring opioid receptors in the brain. Opioid receptors help to slow down the heart and increase feelings of euphoria to combat the onset of pain. Morphine and morphine based medications are used to treat patients recently out of surgery or having been through a traumatic accident. Synthetic opioids, as well as regular medications, are used for treating chronic pain patients.
Opioid addiction treatment requires a multifaceted approach. Enlightened Solutions offers a program combining spiritual practice with evidence based therapy as well as holistic healing. Our residential treatment programs are designed for men and women who are ready to live different lives. For more information, call 833-801-5483.