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Tag: Sobriety

Staying Connected When You Travel

A new year’s resolution for many people in recovery is to travel more. Given the gift of life, they are inspired to set out and see the world. Drug addiction especially tends to isolate people to their locations. For fear of not being able to purchase drugs and having to suffer withdrawals, many don’t travel. While both drugs and alcohol are available worldwide, it can be much more risky to buy drugs internationally. Alcohol is globally celebrated and normalized. In advanced stages of alcoholism, alcoholics are too sick to leave their houses while not intoxicated. As a result, they miss out on experiencing life beyond inebriation.

Traveling Sober

Traveling while sober is a wonderful experience. Not spending money on drugs, alcohol, parties, or other related things gives someone the ability to truly enjoy the world. However, traveling requires responsibility and accountability. Temptation is everywhere! Many people fear that once they get sober they will not be able to have fun anymore because they won’t be able to resist the temptation of drugs or alcohol anywhere they go. This simply is not true. By staying connected and committed to your sobriety, there is little you cannot do and few places you cannot go.

“Assuming we are spiritually fit, we can do all sorts of things alcoholics are not supposed to do,” write the authors ofThe Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. “Our experience shows that this is not necessarily so,” the authors assure the readers. “An alcoholic who cannot meet them, still has an alcoholic mind; there is something the matter with his spiritual status.”

Get Connected

Maintaining that “spiritual status” of sobriety is easy to do when traveling. Alcoholism is a worldwide disease, meaning that recovery is a worldwide solution. Meetings of alcoholics anonymous exist all over the world. You can find information and schedules about them online, or by asking a local when you arrive to your destination. For personal support, make sure you are able to get in touch with your therapist, counselor, or twelve step sponsor as well as your closest recovery peers. Everyone will be supportive of your recovery inspiring you to get out and see the world. Should you run into temptation or difficult times, you know you have a support system back home, and global network of people who also struggle, everywhere you go.

Enlightened Solutions is multilevel treatment program offering residential care, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, and more. For information on our programs and how we can help you live the life you’ve been waiting for, call 833-801-5483.

Be Of Service This Year

“Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail.”  This is written in the chapter “Working With Others” in the primary text of Alcoholics Anonymous, The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous. The informative chapter describes numerous situations in which an alcoholic can help another. Connecting with alcoholics who might still be struggling is an essential part of being a recovering alcoholic. It is, after all, how Alcoholics Anonymous began.


Bill Wilson had finally gotten sober after a lifetime of miserable alcoholism. On a business trip to Ohio, he found himself in the hotel lobby pacing back and forth in front of the hotel bar. He had worked so hard to stay sober and was actually enjoying his sober life. Yet some phenomena was overtaking him. He had an intense craving for alcohol, even though he knew how tragic it would be for him to drink. Suddenly, a thought hit him. He needed to speak to another alcoholic. Only another alcoholic could understand what he was going through. By way of fate he ended up in the house of an older man suffering from alcoholism by the name of Dr. Bob Smith. At the end of a long’s night discussions regarding alcoholism and Bill’s recovery- both men had been helped. Bill was no longer craving alcohol and Bob was inspired to get sober. Alcoholics Anonymous, and the importance of being of service was born.

Recovery is a Gift

The new year is an opportunity to refresh your service hood. Recovery is a precious gift which, many who have recovered have found, must be given away in order to be kept. Being of service to others in recovery can take many forms. Make a list of the ways you would like to give back this year. There is little doubt you will not regret it. Here are some of our favorite ideas at Enlightened Solutions.

  • Complete the 12 steps
  • Sponsor another person through the 12 steps
  • Take a service commitment at a meeting
  • Speak at H&I meetings (hospitals and institutions)
  • Donate a small amount to your favorite charity, organization, or cause
  • Pick up some small etiquette practices like showing up on time, writing thank you notes, and being courteous to all
  • Help the less fortunate

Enlightened Solutions believes the philosophy of the 12 steps offers a spiritual and philosophical foundation for a practical program of living in recovery. For the problem of alcoholics and addiction, we have a solution. For more information, call 833-801-5483.

The Holidays Might Not Be Perfect And That’s Okay

Everything is picture perfect during the winter. Snow on the tree tops, decorations perfectly in place, the winter’s fashions making everyone look cozy. For perfectionists, especially those in recovery for drug addiction and alcoholism, trying to hold together the perfect holiday season is taxing. Many of us try to compensate for ruined holidays past by making each new one as perfect as possible. We have to realize that life continues to occur on life’s terms, even when it’s the holidays. Like any other day, we have to take each hour in stride and accept what we cannot change. Rather than fixate on what is going wrong or what might go wrong, try to focus on acceptance. Move past the judgments of good, bad, right, and wrong. Instead, take time to truly participate in holiday cheer and laugh merrily along the way. The true holiday miracle is that you’re alive and sober to see another winter season.


Asking For Help And Support Is Courageous

As recovering alcoholics, addicts, and perfectionists, we feel a nagging need to be in control of everything. Unfortunately, we can’t be in control of everything and we cannot do it alone. Out of our effort to put on a perfect face to demonstrate our recovery we forget that it is a sign of true growth and strength to ask for help. Connect with your friends, loved ones, and family members by participating in holiday preparations together.


Keep Your Expectations Low For Pleasant Surprises

Adhering to unrealistic ideals of perfection usually sets our expectations high. High expectations lead to very low disappointments. Tell yourself it’s okay to expect the unexpected and expect nothing at all. Keeping low expectations does not mean you expect the worse. It does mean you leave room to be pleasantly surprised.


Stay Focused On Gratitude And Thankfulness

The true purpose of the holidays is to give us a yearly chance to be in gratitude and thankfulness all the time. What matters is focusing on how our lives have changed and how rich they have become through sobriety. If you feel your perfectionism lighting up like a christmas tree, look at each twinkling light and find something to be grateful for.


Enlightened Solutions offers a sanctuary to those in need of help and support during the holidays. We know this time of year can be difficult and challenging for getting or staying sober. Our multiple levels of care help us to individualize a program to meet your needs. For more information call 833-801-5483.

Self Care Checklist

Self care is important to recovery. You’re learning how to manage new stressors and new triggers in life as well as the new emotions that come up in response. When needing to practice self care, ask yourself:


Have You..

…Taken A Look At What Needs To Be Done And Made A Plan? Sometimes we get caught up in the future and the past when we stop paying attention to the present. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you might be looking too much at the whole picture. Taking the bigger picture into account isn’t necessarily a bad thing, however, it can cause trouble when it prevents you from focusing on what needs to be done right now. Take a few minutes to make some lists and organize all that information swimming around in your head You’ll be feeling better in no time.

…Been Setting Healthy Boundaries and Taking Time For Yourself? Now that we are able to be present for others and have a deeper understanding of what it means to be of service, we might feel like we have to give all the time. Healthy boundaries are important for learning to say “No” when it is necessary. Make sure you are still receiving support in all the right places while taking time for yourself. It’s okay to say no every once in awhile.

…Noticed Your Breath Lately? It might seem odd, but quite often we forget to breathe. At least, that is, we don’t take mindful time to notice our breath. You might need to pause and take a deep breath in followed by a deep breath out. Focusing on your breath will help you to get grounded and anchored in the present moment

…Drank A Glass Of Water Today? Being dehydrated can lead to feelings of panic and anxiety. Staying hydrated is good for your brain, your metabolism, and your energy. Practice self care by purchasing an inspiring water bottle and drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

…Reached Out To A Friend? Getting caught in your head is best remedied by getting out of your head. Reaching out to a friend for a helpful reminder of where you are, how far you have come, and what great things lie ahead is always good for self care.


Enlightened Solutions has the answer to the problem of abusive relationships with drugs and alcohol. Our treatment program is open to men and women wanting to heal. For more information, call 833-801-5483.

Preparing For Sober Holidays

From January through December there are many holiday celebrations that take place for different cultures, religions, and nationalities. The end of the year, about October through December, has the highest density of holiday celebrations. Typically, that means plenty of party invites, dinners, and events. Before getting sober, the holidays were some of the best times of the year! Libations flowed freely and everyone had a holly, jolly good time. Now that you’ve completed treatment, or are in the process of completing treatment for drug addiction and/or alcoholism, things might feel a little bit different.

Recovery is not the end of holiday cheer and celebration. Early recovery, the first few months to a year, might make it a little more difficult to get into the holiday spirit. Fear not, like all things in life and sobriety, this too shall pass. You’ll make it through the holidays just fine by understanding why you might be triggered and how to handle holiday parties.

Why The Holidays Are Hard

There are a few reasons why the holidays are especially challenging in the first year of recovery. First, is your brain. While the drugs and alcohol have left your system, your brain has not yet fully recovered. Addictive substances induce a sensation of euphoria when they are abused. Euphoria is caused by a production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a messenger for pleasure in the brain. Part of the neuroscience of addiction, or how addiction occurs in the brain, is when the brain is unable to produce dopamine, or pleasure, on its own. Being dopamine deficient means it’s actually chemically challenging for you to feel that holiday cheer.

Second, holiday parties usually include alcohol. There’s a seasonal drink (or three) for every seasonal holiday.  At the root of your core you know that you do not want to drink. You’ve worked so hard to come as far as you have in your sobriety. Yet, somewhere in the back of your mind is a nagging thought about it. Cravings are uncomfortable and can be overwhelming at times. It isn’t that you want to participate and it isn’t that you don’t. As you work through the emotions of your attachment to addiction and alcoholism, more will be revealed about you miss it sometimes.

Most importantly, remember that holidays are just another day. We take recovery one day at a time!

Enlightened Solutions provides a unique and holistic approach to treating drug addiction, alcoholism, and co-occurring disorders. Combining twelve step philosophy with evidence based treatment and holistic healing modalities, Enlightened Solutions creates a deeply healing recovery program for each patient. For more information on our services, call 833-801-5483

The Everyday of Treatment

In addition to individual therapy, group therapy, and experiential therapy sessions such as art therapy or yoga therapy, are daily tasks that are meant to enhance recovery. Life skills are necessary to develop in order to ensure long term and successful sobriety. Developing routine and habit are helpful in the treatment process for recovery from addiction.

The Everyday of Treatment

Addiction causes the wiring in the brain to go a little haywire. Most everyday tasks go unnoticed and neglected. Addiction causes the brain to hyperfocus on pleasure and pleasurable experiences As a result, it becomes highly uninterested in performing mundane tasks that everyday life demands. Consequently, it builds unhealthy and unproductive habits. Reprogramming those habits not only corrects the specific situation of the habit itself, but helps the brain heal. Creating new habits through repeated action causes neurons in the brain to fire at the same time, causing a recognition. Overtime, practicing new habits becomes rewarding-in a healthy way.  

Making Your Bed

Each morning at Enlightened Solutions, you are expected to make your bed. There has been great debate as to how important it is or isn’t to make your bed in the morning. While some science has indicated that bed making does not equate to success at all other research has shown it’s critically important. Making the bed indicates discipline and ritual.

Cleaning Your House

Feng Shui is the zen practice of creating flow in the home. A clean home is a clean mind. We pay honor and respect to the higher power working in our life by participating in facility cleaning days.

Cooking Food

Some treatment centers have meals catered or privately prepared. While it is helpful to take the stress cooking out of the equation in early days, it is important to teach cooking as well. Once a patient leaves treatment, they are on their own including making sure that there is something to eat.

12 Step Meetings

Going to meetings is  a perfect way to meet other people like yourself who are struggling and getting through recovery. Here the message of how important it is stay sober.

Have FUN!

Treatment at Enlightened Solutions provides holistic healing for mind, body, and spirit. Our programs of care for men and women seeking recovery for alcoholism and addiction are spiritually based. There is a solution for the problem of drugs and alcohol. Find it with us. 833-801-5483.

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  • Discuss treatment options

  • Get help for a loved one

  • Verify insurance coverage

  • Start the admissions process

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