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Tag: addiction

Men and Women Experience Addiction Differently

Men and women are scientifically found, generally speaking, to have different experiences with addiction. These differences are discovered both in the causes of addiction and the way that addiction presents in the lives of men and women.  These differences have been found to influence both the ability to maintain continuous sobriety and the quality of care received in treatment facilities.  Understanding how these differences correlate to mainstream gender roles in Western culture can increase potential for recovery success.

Gender roles, although generalizations, can bolster a recovery foundation that increases odds of continuous sobriety.  Women are found to engage addiction as a coping mechanism for trauma whereas men become addicted through peer pressure and the pursuit of power.  Working with these basic themes can aid in cultivating healthy relationships with the self.  Those working with women may support them in establishing alternative coping mechanisms and encourage them to pursue trauma treatment.  With men, fostering an internal sense of approval will support them in resisting pursuits of peer approval or unhealthy power dynamics.

While these basic gender differences occur, be mindful to recognize that these two basic themes can be interchanged.  Misuse of power in men may be later processed as a trauma healing process; untreated trauma may make women susceptible to entering codependent relationships as another form of peer pressure.

Once awareness of gender roles has entered the recovery process, a solid foundation for a deeper self awareness can begin.  This can be either in alignment to or opposition to these gender roles.  Actions exploring these typical ways of being can become a playground for recreating the life of the addict.  In other cases, playing with discovery outside of these generalization can be wonderful method to healing codependency.  Awareness of either journey is an avenue for actualizing a life that is happy, joyous and free.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Differentiating Bipolar I & II

As of lately the diagnosis of bipolar has been thrown around casually without much knowledge about the topic. That is why it is crucial to find out what is really going on; if there really is any behavior that shows signs of the bipolar diagnosis, or if it’s something else. Being in a treatment facility can be extremely beneficial in being diagnosed. There are three stages to withdrawal; mild, moderate and severe. After the detoxification period is over, a licensed psychiatrist will be able to diagnose based on behavior, without substances clouding the mind. There are two forms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I will have episodes of manic behavior, while bipolar II is more calm with hypomania. This may seem like only a slight difference at first, but it is very obvious in the bigger spectrum. Those with bipolar I can also have symptoms of bipolar II, but those with bipolar II do not have symptoms of bipolar I.

Those of who have Bipolar I will have very erratic behavior lasting for longer periods of time. This behavior is more bizarre, out of control, and impulsive. While being diagnosed, a psychiatrist will look at the patient’s history regarding mania and depression. There is a criterion that must be met, in order to put this diagnosis on any medical record. Since this form of bipolar is more extreme, a prescribed mood stabilizer will help with symptoms. While on mood stabilizers there can be no substance abuse in any form. Medication and therapy combined should allow for an enormous shift in the patient’s behavior. However, this is a lifelong diagnosis that will have to be taken very seriously. Often times when a patient start to feel better, they go off of the medication, which leads to a downward spiral once again.

Bipolar II is classified as being milder, but not any less of a concern for psychiatrists treating a patient who shows these symptoms. However, this behavior doesn’t interfere with daily life as much as bipolar I. Those with bipolar II disorder, have been linked to poorer health-related issues, and higher depressed day count. Patients with bipolar II are also less likely to be able to return to normal lives as those with bipolar I. Both bipolar I and II have stages of euthymia, which means a normal state of mind. There is no way to tell how long these will last for or when they might occur. Much like the disease of alcoholism, no two bipolar diagnoses are exactly the same. Each person will have their own symptoms and story. As long as the patient is willing to accept this diagnosis, life will keep having preventable, unnecessary ups and downs.

If you are struggling with a mental illness and/or addiction, Enlightened Solutions offers dual-diagnosis treatment with licensed professionals. Our holistic, clinical and 12 step approach is designed to help patients prosper in the road to recovery. For more information call today: 833-801-5483.

Seeing Grief as a Spiritual Cycle

When we experience a loss in our life, grief is the natural response to the loss.  The five stages of grief are the phases of grief that most people experience. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  The stages can occur in different order and some stages may occur simultaneously.  The way that grief is experienced by different people varies greatly and allowing people to have their own experience encourages greater emotional health for communities.  It is essential not to repress grieving process so that the loss becomes fully integrated.  This allows the person experiencing loss to move fully back to the present moment.  

For a recovering individual, anger as the stage of grief may require may require heightened awareness and potentially therapeutic support.  Anger is a cautionary emotion for addicts as it can lead to relapse. Yet, it is also a natural emotional response to loss.  Those in recovery need to be mindful about excessive stewing in anger as they experience this stage of grief.  However, this mindfulness must be tempered with the understanding that grief and all of its stages, including anger, are experienced uniquely by different individuals.

Loss and the accompanying grief are not wished upon anyone, but there is profound beauty in the grieving process in response to loss.  As an individual goes on this journey of releasing and rebirthing, there is often a renewal within themselves for life.  In some cases, they rediscover appreciation for all that they do have and love, or a new vision of life springs forward.  There may be a passion project that is born in response to the loss.  In the cases of deep grief, a person who normally is emotionally contained may need to lean heavily on those around them.  This deepened intimacy in response to grief may evolve relationships to a deeper place of connection that continue beyond the grieving process.  

Appreciate what may come forward from a grief journey while also honoring the difficulty of the experience.  As with ancient tribes preparing for the coming winter during the summer harvest, build your community knowing that this process visits everyone.  While in Winter, trust that Spring will always return. The emotional abundance of Spring will be vastly shaped vastly by the way that you prepared for Winter.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Superfoods In Early Recovery

While in early recovery the body is enabled a return to a healthy state. Depending on which substance the addict was abusing. Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder have done a study about the way the brain’s immune system and inflammation should be targeted alongside brain chemicals in early recovery. Microglia in the brain’s immune system that defends against infection of toxic waste. When the microglia is in action, inflammatory signals are released. The pro-inflammatory substances that activate microglia include alcohol and most drug such as alcohol, narcotics, methamphetamines, and cocaine. This response coordinates with addiction and this is why it’s important to take this into consideration in while recovering.

The first step would be to eliminate inflammatory triggers. These come in forms of gluten, most grains, dairy and all foods with added sugar. Instead, the addict can incorporate quinoa, buckwheat, millet, and amaranth. If there is a need for something sweet, reach for citrus fruits or use stevia. The herb turmeric has also been proven to act like cortisol, in that reduces inflammation and naturally increases anti-inflammatory compounds. Introducing probiotic foods will contain beneficial microbes as well. These microbes work with the immune system, cleansing toxic waste and reducing inflammation. The supplements, Vitality SuperGreen, Super Spirulina Plus, and InnergyBiotic each aid in increasing probiotics. Coconut Water Kefir and homemade cultured vegetables also make the list.  

Protecting the liver is the goal here, people. It is a well-known fact that alcohol, drugs and other bad habits will negatively affect the liver. Substance abuse will do a number of detrimental harms to the processing and the functions of vital body organs, but the liver is where most addicts get into trouble. Another recommended supplement is, Livamend is a formulated blend to aid in this process of eliminating toxic waste. There’s no way of getting around the fact that while abusing substances, the body as a whole becomes weakened in one way or another.  Restoring the body back to health will be a work in progress and there will have to be an acknowledgment of the damage done. Depending on how badly the body had been depleted, it will take to recover. Removing substances, why not attempt to reach the healthiest, brightest light at the end of the tunnel? For an addict in early recovery, there’s no better time.

If you are looking for help with addiction and a new healthy lifestyle, Enlightened Solutions will teach methods of sustaining a grounded, full life ahead. We offer a safe detoxification process, the gives the addict a clear mind to find their transformation. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Setting Energetic Boundaries

Once physical recovery is established, it is time to begin the pathway to emotional and spiritual recovery.  It is challenging to effect change on these planes of healing before physical sobriety is established.  Once it is established, it is essential to take actions to create both emotional healing and spiritual awakening in order to sustain recovery over time.  

Emotional sobriety is discovered in the process of examining and transforming one’s relationship with control. When the addict is engaging with control, this is called ‘being the  director’ of all of life.  The releasing of this orientation is named ‘living life on life’s terms’.   These two phrases are used to identify two states, demonstrating when an addict has taken back the control of their life from their higher power and when they have surrendered it back to their higher power.

Both of these expressions highlight the journey of emotional sobriety discovered through the exploration of boundaries.  They allow us to learn where our lives end and where others begin.  Through them, we learn to stay on our side of the street.  Honoring both sides of the median, there is also this place of overlap between you and others.  Energetic tools are some techniques to expand personal capacity to relinquish control in the the overlap space so that you are able to be of service.  Some tools follow:  

  • The egg visualization: this is the process of seeing or feeling an egg-shaped circular sphere that surrounds your field.  As this space is shared with others, envision it as a permeable substance.  It can be explored by filling it up with soft, colored light when extra cleansing is needed.  
  • Rose bridge between hearts: allow the vision of a bridge made of rose petals that extends from the space of your heart to the heart of the other.  Imagine a river of energy in the color green from one end of the bridge to the other.  
  • Paint brushing: creating a paintbrush in your imagination that paints in clouds to cloud-paint the space of your field and the field of the person you are being of service to.  Rather than engaging the field to protect, you are now engaging the field to bolster the sense of unity.  
  • Breathwork: explore the power of the breath matched with mantra.  Perhaps inhaling ‘thy will’, exhaling ‘my will’.  Allow yourself to creatively explore mantras that enliven your sense of connection to God.   


If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Letting Go of Materialism

In society today, we have access to a massive amount of material goods. Materialism has taken a large space in the lives of people almost everywhere in the world. One could say though, that the more accumulated, the more miserable the person. When people with addiction problems find shopping to be an easy escape, it’s because there’s a need to fill an empty void that lingers subconsciously. When an addict feels the compulsion to buy things, an underlying uncomfortable feeling has been triggered. Shopping addiction is a real psychiatric disorder going back to the early nineteenth century. There are consequences of these purchases and even though shopping addicts know better, it happens anyway. Similarly to alcoholism, the addict had already relapsed in their mind before it had actually taken place.

Impulsively spending money on unnecessary objects has been proven to only provide happiness for a small period of time. The addict will many times find themselves in tight spots when it could have been prevented. Credit card debt piles up and soon enough, shopping addicts resort to filing for bankruptcy. This madness can be contained by simply feeling the pain and difficulty that life has to offer. The idea that pain is bad, leads people to avoid it at any cost. In actuality, those who handle their pain by understanding and processing through will find that they are free to live without obsessing about something shiny and new. Being courageous to walk through the pain will always have its benefits in the long term. It’s not easy, but neither is dealing with creditors.

Being in denial about spending too much money on material objects is how things can get out of control, fast. Acceptance is always the first step in the right direction. Once the healing has begun, the addict will be able to see what they had been missing for so long. A gratitude list is always suggested to get a grasp on reality. Decluttering the addicts like will be an eye-opening experience. Purging unwanted stuff, and still feeling happy is a true transformation of a shopping addict. It can be easy to swap one addiction for another, which is why this is common in early sobriety. To continue down a spiritual path will always result in appreciation created by God, and not sweat shops with children working for low wages.

If you are looking to simplify your life and become less stressed, Enlightened Solutions is for you. Our partial program will allow for a spiritual transformation into enlightenment. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Embracing Mood Acceptance

In recovery, the measurement of happy, joyous and free is provided to gauge the quality of sobriety.  This can be especially true after physical sobriety is established and the addict has had sufficient opportunity to grow from the steps.  It is important to temper this perspective with the perspective of living life on life’s terms.  

Many of those who discover themselves in the life-or-death crossroads of choosing a life on spiritual terms or choosing a path of institutions, jail or death, are prone to avoiding emotional presence.  Addicts are known for using substances as a vehicle for altering their emotional state, especially when concerning “negative” emotions like anger and sadness.  A holistic perspective invites consideration that life on life’s terms means living with a full emotional range.  

Emotional sobriety can be different things for different people, so the way that one addict in recovery relates to negative emotions will ultimately look different in a recovered state than another.  For example, if in addiction, one person had a tendency to fully embrace a victim perspective about themselves and life in general, then in recovery, their actions in sobriety may be to put less attention on negative emotions than they are experiencing.  Alternatively, another person may have tended to be more of the holding-it-all-together-everything’s-fine variety, the actions in recovery may be taking sometime to be with the difficult emotions.  

Being mindful that these descriptions tell the story of two extremes on a continuum, be aware that is normal for the pendulum to swing as your life begins to transform.  As the journey of emotional sobriety begins, the way that you experience negative emotions may be opposite of how you once were.  Over time, emotional expression will include the range between these states. Emotions become a living response to the present moment and are no longer experienced as a habituated response to life.

When you are newly embracing negative emotions as an aspect of living a full and vital life, be reminded that these experiences  become the gifts of wisdom that will expand your service capacity to others.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Art Therapy to Help Express Feelings

Treatment centers all over the world use art therapy in treatment centers geared towards addiction. Patients who come into treatment, sometimes feel this kind of therapy isn’t going to work for them. This can be partially due to their control issues. Those who are used to serious work environments, find this to be a humbling experience. Let’s be real, who really has time for this when there are other most important matters at hand? That’s the kind of thinking that can become overwhelming and lead to constant anxiety. This is the patient that should be encouraged to needs to slow down and ground themselves. Recovering patient must stay open-minded throughout the process in order to receive the benefits. It’s only a small portion of a lifespan, and the alcoholic should be encouraged to take it all in, for a second chance at life.

Each patient expresses themselves differently. Sometimes the alcoholic is defiant against art therapy but gains most out of it. It can be a very enlightening for alcoholics or it can be felt like a waste of time. Either way, the story of the addict, is often that they had never really fit in with others. Those who have a hard time talking about feelings can use art to relate the message through art therapy. Some patients will even have break-throughs. Seeing the visual outcome of each project gives insight into what is going on, what isn’t being said in ordinary therapy sessions. Patients who struggle with perfectionism should not focus as much on the presentation, as what the process felt like while creating the piece. The therapist is trained to help read what the patient is trying to let out, whether they’re trying to or not.

While working on the various art projects assigned, the mind of the alcoholic will be less likely to obsess on other topics that don’t serve them anymore. It’s a learned process to change the way the mind thinks. Each day patients working on trauma will be able to use art therapy as a meditative technique. Clearing the mind is powerful to encourage the feelings that had been stuffed down for years, come to the surface. Treatment facilities such as Enlightened Solutions, offer a safe environment to freely express feelings and emotions.This is when the healing can begin.

If you are looking to transform your life and begin to heal, Enlightened Solution’s therapist give patients the ability to express feelings in different ways. The solution is here in New Jersey for real growth in our holistic, dual diagnosis program. For more questions call 833-801-5483.

The Spiritual Program of the 12 Steps

Many people enter recovery, only after colliding with an experience so challenging, that they become willing to consider a new way of life.  This experience is commonly called a “bottom”. Despite having reached new lows in their life, they still desire to place bounds around what their recovery does and does not include. Often, those boundaries involve the desire to live without embracing a spiritual life.  

Many people arrive to 12 Step programs insisting on recovery without ‘the spiritual part of the program.’ They do not yet understand that the entire program is spiritual.  On the surface, it appears that some aspects, like fellowship and service,  do not require an active spirituality.  Once intimacy with these aspects is experienced, it is apparent that these are also spiritual in nature.

Fellowship, experienced in many ways, includes a lifestyle of maintaining close relationships with people in recovery.  As with all relationships, conflict arises and a crossroads is faced.  The invitation to choose unity with our fellows over whatever indignity is extended.  This crossroads is the same that is faced in the bottom – do we choose the pattern that feels comfortable in the moment or do we choose the path of action that enables longevity for both our own and AA’s well-being?

Service, at its core, is the journey of taking another addict through the 12 Steps which is called sponsorship.  The point of the 12 steps is to have a spiritual awakening sufficient to produce a psychic change.  This is the only means by which an addict will become and remain sober.  Since the service involved in the 12 Steps is about facilitating a spiritual awakening for another sufferer, it is imperative that this experience can be sourced from within.  It is thereby impossible to deliver on the 12th Step without participating in the spiritual ‘part’ of the program.  

There are other kinds of service in the recovery program that do not involve sponsorship and are seemingly free from direct spirituality.  However, there is an imperative to participate in sponsorship to maintain recovery as only one alcoholic talking to another.  It can also be said that other types of service, the sacrifice of self to be in service to another or to the collective is an inherently spiritual expression.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Letting Go of Controlling Behavior

Manipulative behavior is common amongst addicts still trying to control everyone around.  This normally means that the addict is not spiritually fit with the soul. When the addict becomes aware of this, there is a better chance at holding a strong connection with God. When the addict lacks a connection, it’s not uncommon for he/she to try and take control over most, if not all situations in life. There is a large spectrum where an addicts might fall, which is why this can seem like a bit of a generalization of this group. Unfortunately, the more an addict tries to manage an out of control lifestyle, the less likely they are to succeed in sobriety. There must be acceptance of the unmanageability created by addictive substances. As you would imagine, it not as easy as it sounds, and it takes time.

Having boundaries put in place helps with communication and comfortability in all areas of life. For example, when a family member will not listen to direction given by parents or siblings, perhaps it’s time to stop with the unsolicited advice. It’s not someone else’s job to manage another person’s affairs. Another example, many people do not want to talk about finances, and that’s their right that should be respected with a boundary. People in relationships find themselves micromanaging their significant other’s life, and this is not healthy behavior. Each person deserves the right to make their own decisions. Letting go of control for an addict takes time and practice. Admitting defeat to the disease is the first step.

Once the fog begins to clear after detoxing, other issues or character defects will arise. The addict must start looking at resentments differently. Our treatment center will make recommendations and if an addict is truly willing to do what it takes to stay sober, they will follow suit. This isn’t to say that all addicts have to do every single thing suggested or else they will fail, but it’s more of a probability that the addict builds the strong foundation needed to protect their sobriety. Learning how to let things go, will give the alcoholic a new freedom. Giving over all power to a higher power is relieving and comforting. No matter what anyone says, life is going to happen how it’s supposed to happen. It’s God’s world, and we’re just living in it.

Learning about boundaries is a tool Enlightened Solutions will cover in our partial treatment program for addiction and co-occurring disorders. We encourage placing healthy boundaries for healthy relationships and self-care. For more information, please call: 833-801-5483.

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