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Tag: Recovery

Restructuring Anger as an Energetic Experience

Anger, a natural human experience, is an emotion that invites mindfulness from addicts in recovery.  They must be very careful to not get stuck there, even though anger is a natural  response to some life experiences.  A dynamic understanding of emotional responses can aid you in processing anger.   Emotions are an energetic charge and even though they are cognitively processed, there is still an energy present that is not dissolved cognitively.  

Anger is typically a response to having security threatened.  This is also true of animals in the natural world.  When becoming aware of being hunted, animals will typically engage fight or flight responses free from mental analysis.   There is an energy coursing through the body and it instinctively evokes these responses.  

In recovery and in the social world of humans, it is not appropriate to respond to life with flight or fight responses.  However, they still have the instinct to do so.  To return to a neutral state, it is necessary to move the emotions through the parasympathetic nervous system.  The following are some simple tools to move the energy that is generated.  Be aware of those around you when engaging these practices as this energy releasement may activate fear or anger in others.

  • In the car, simply scream as loud as possible.  
  • Go for a sprint around the block – running as fast as possible for a short distance.
  • Find some junk mail or other paper that is no longer of use and intensely rip it into pieces.
  • Release the energy from the gut by using lion’s pose as intensely as possible.  
  • Create a stack of pillows and pummel them with fists while screaming.  

As you release fight or flight responses, be aware that these practices may not fully resolve the emotion with one attempt at energy practices, especially in the case of anger stored from the past.  However, they may create a state that centered enough so that a deeper reflection process can be impactful.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Eating Disorders are a Disconnect Between Mind and Body

Sadly, so many people in Western culture suffer with imbalances in their relationship to food and their bodies.  These imbalances can manifest in a variety of ways which diagnosed as overeating, anorexia and bulimia to name a few.  While the names and expression of these imbalances may vary, at the core, these people are suffering from a disconnect between the mind and the body.  Food and the way that it nourishes our physical life can be a profoundly mystical experience.  When a disorder has presented, the sufferer has lost the beautiful cycle of food sustaining the physical body so that a life is being lived for its spiritual purpose.  

Often, these imbalances are often paired with dysfunction in the way that people connect commune with others while consuming food.  Our ancestors experienced deeply reliant community in relationship with food whether they were of hunting and gathering or agricultural times.  The food connection was not limited to the consuming of food, but included a necessary shared lifestyle to make food possible for all.  Over the generations, we have lost this communion with others around the life-cycle of our food.  This cultural change is present in eating disorders, whether expressed as co-addiction, the shared addictive consumption of food, binge eating in isolation or eating in community only to purge in secrecy later.  Consider how each of these manifestations may be altered by having a lifestyle of communion around food if secrecy from others related to food was not possible in our lifestyle.

It is in the separation and secrecy from others that our mind is given the space to get trapped in a obsessive-compulsive loop.  In separation from a tribe, the irrationality of our addicted mind can seem rational.  Our desire to escape from powerful feelings overrides our ability to make a healthy choice.  The recovery journey offers the opportunity to reconnect to others by vulnerably sharing where our minds is taking us with food.  This becomes a wonderful bridge to invest in beautifully connected relationships by revealing where the addicted mind wants to go and receiving the support to make different choices to heal the mind and body.  Communion with food and others can be possible today.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Nature for Recovery

One might find that being out in nature is that of being with God. Those who struggle with addiction or mental disorders live a life full of fear. When there is fear, there is no faith and this faith can be disguised in many different ways. While in the disease nothing matters as much as staying numb to the world outside. Alcohol and drugs will hinder the addict’s ability to see true beauty in mother nature. While in early recovery it’s essential to spend time outside. There are multiple reasons besides the fresh air. It’s a natural remedy for mild depression as well. Addict who had been isolating will find that they begin to feel more energized and optimistic about the future. The addict who embraces the outdoors will find a sense of calm and ease that only life outside can give forth. Being outside always gives way for activity and that alone will promote a new healthy lifestyle.

Gardening is a way to connect with mother earth. Treatment centers encourage patients to become responsible for the plant’s outcome. Learning to take care of and respect another living thing is a step in the right direction towards the addicts growth process. Taking proper care of a garden also gets the addict out of their head. The mind will keep running if you let it, and if you give it that choice it will. Gardening can be therapeutic and meditative. Focusing on something other than the self is the same concept as an addict helping another addict. Self-absorption is what drives addiction. Caring for a garden can give the addict the opportunity to be nurturing and this brings out emotions from deep inside that must come out to move forward in life.

Besides all of the wonderful therapeutic advantages of being outside, it’s a simple, easy way to relax. Nature helps release happy hormones, which means we’re reminded what’s good for ourselves just by taking a hike. Staying in the day is sometimes difficult for addicts to comprehend, but once again, being outside will help with this as well. Addicts need to keep in mind that there is no time like the present, and it’s unnecessary to stress about the future. An addict shouldn’t plan to be sober a year from now, just for the next day, maybe an hour, or minute. It’s a journey and addicts can easily forget what life has to offer while in the disease. Being outside truly brings the addict back to the basics. Life has its simple pleasures and that doesn’t include drinking or using.

Enlightened Solutions believes in grounding an addict’s chaotic lifestyle. Our holistic approach guides our patients to find peace through the simple pleasures in life. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

The Gift of Sobriety

When an alcoholic admits there is a problem, there may be an initial grieving period. Alcohol and drugs and had become a friends, confidants, and now must be taken away. As time goes on that same now recovering alcoholic might have a completely different outlook on the day they quit drinking. If an addict had reached a point of unbearable destruction in all areas in life, sobriety might be the only option. Becoming sober for the sake of a job or parents, children, boyfriends/girlfriends, and so on, doesn’t work the same as it does when the addict quits for themselves. If the alcoholic truly wants sobriety, they will be willing to do whatever it takes. Although this might seem like a daunting task, the rewards are immeasurable to anything else.

The slogan “we will love you until you love yourself” is meant for those who come into recovery with sadness and despair. Many addicts have found themselves with a variety of disorders that must now be addressed. Those with depression and anxiety will find themselves possibly growing out these as their sobriety strengthens. Those with disorders on the higher end of the spectrum will have to accept that sobriety means complying with a psychiatric diagnosis. Taking medication is just as important to staying sober, as it is to quit drinking and/or using. Often times the alcoholic will drink if they stop taking prescribed medication or if the addict decides to drink, they will likewise stop the medication. Dual-diagnosis is common and should always be taken seriously.

Once the treatment team, the alcoholics support, and the alcoholic are on the same page, the alcoholic’s journey can begin. The addict who shows complete cooperation and stays open-minded will benefit the most out of treatment. The addict that wants to live bad enough will put sobriety first. It must be well aware that the disease of addiction will kill anyone in its path. Choosing sobriety is choosing to live, choosing to be a mother or father, choosing to serve others in ways that would never happen if the addiction continued. Life is a gift, and life is beautiful. While in the disease, it’s easy to become pessimistic about all aspects of life and that is a miserable existence. The gift of sobriety is special, and those who see this, become grateful to be an addict in recovery. If there were no darkness there would no light.

Our clinical, holistic and 12 step approach at Enlightened Solutions gives addicts the opportunity to see their life in a new positive light. If you feel like you need to take your life back please don’t hesitate to call now: 833-801-5483.

The Spiritual Malady of Addiction

Many people who are in need of recovery resist it knowing that the solution is spiritual.  The desire to avoid connection with the spiritual aspects of the self are embedded in the nature of addiction.  The avoidance of spirituality keeps the addict in addiction long after the desire to return to whole and healthy living is sparked.  It is in this essence of anticipation of the future, and what it is imagined to hold, that stops so many from living the purpose they were born to live.  

First things first, if anticipation of the future and what holds spiritually is alive, lay it down.  Addiction must be tended to on the physical realm, or at least, this is the primary focus initially.  When anticipation of the future consumes potentially healthy actions of the addict, this is simply another way that the addiction is dominating the healthy self.  The worried or rebellious anticipation of the future is a cue to bring the focus back to seeking physical abstinence and motivations for doing so.  

Once physical abstinence is attained, the addict will cultivate a lifestyle of recovery through the insights revealed through the 12 Steps.  The steps that particularly bring awareness to concrete examples of the spiritual malady of addiction are discovered in Steps 4 and 5.  These steps outline the emotional patterns which have a tendency to the block the ‘sunlight of the spirit’.  As the steps are taken, it may be seen that resentments function to create separation from the people that the addict loves and the whole of life.  It is through emotions and thoughts about them that the addict creates isolation from their relationships.  This isolation sets the stage for return to emotional escapism through addiction.  

Addiction is often referred to as a disease of perception as addicts have a tendency to creating extraneous narrative around the experiences of their lives.  Since this additional narrative often consist of perspectives that causes the addict to feel separate, this is where the spiritual malady lives.  It is through the daily cleansing of perception through the process of the steps and the sharing with another addict that the addict is able to return to living as an integrated part of the whole of life.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Waiting for the Transformation

Recovery means different things to different people. For the addicts, there had only been one way to cope. This was to reach for the bottle or drug which has the power to mask the pain inside. There could have been other circumstances that come into play, but in the end, alcohol is there to make life appear easier. This might work at first, but those with addiction problems will find themselves worse off almost every time they decide to drink or use. The way the mind functions in an addict is to rationalize why what is so clearly the wrong decision, is a perfectly fine idea. It’s complete insanity and until there is a spiritual experience there will be a difficult road to go down.

Living in contrary action is how all addicts should operate. For example, there might be an instance when the mind is telling the addict that it’s okay to stop at a bar for food. The addict can also eat at a somewhere that doesn’t sell alcohol. Why would the addict choose the bar setting? The reason is that the mind wants what it wants, and that’s an excuse to drink or use. The mind is loud and can justify almost anything. If the addicts the mind win, there might be a relapse at risk.

This is why we suggest using certain tools in situations like these. A spiritual experience will give the addict hope. Having a connection with a God of their understanding, will guide them out of harm’s way. God’s will would will never include any substances. It’s as if a dog owner watched its beloved animal run into a pack of coyotes. This would be the same concept as him watch over the addicts destruction with sadness. That is why having a connection with a higher power is such a powerful tool for growth and serenity.  For those who have a hard time accepting there is a God, remember that it’s not a religious concept as much as it’s spiritual.

One of the main suggestions alcoholics highly recommend is the act of reaching out to others in need. Prayer or meditation is a way of coping when the addict feels they might take a drink or drug. Anytime an addict decides against the idea of the drink or participate in harmful behavior,, the transformation takes place. In recovery, the addict learns new behavior and that every day sober is a true miracle. Having spirituality will have a new meaning each day and the addict will find true love and happiness within.

Enlightened Solution’s holistic program is a spiritually based and will help guide addicts to see the light through our many methods of treatment. Finding self-love is important to move on from the past with grace and dignity. For more questions call: 833-801-5483.

3 Interesting Ways to Incorporate Chakra Therapy into Daily Living

The chakras are 7 energy whirlpools that vibrate at various points between the base of your spinal column and the top of your head. Each chakra has unique spiritual properties and focusing on any one will elevate the functioning of all.  However, there are times that it is beneficial to focus on a specific chakra with alignment to the unique challenges being presented by life.  Following are some examples to enhance your spiritual experience by engaging your chakras:

  • Food: there are many ways to engage food as chakra therapy.  Some examples: eat root vegetables to address to the insecurities that may be experienced in one’s physical safety; consume strawberries to balance your sacral chakra which holds the energy for creative and sensual expression. The way that these foods become therapy is by focusing on the intention as you consume them.  
  • Sleep: as bedtime approaches, you can have a short dialogue with a specific chakra.  An example could be to focus on the heart chakra and invite the heart to use sleep as a period of healing instead of hiding from the pains of life.  This practice is amplified by sleeping with a green stone on or near the heart so that the intention is being held safely  by it as you release consciousness.  
  • Exercise: to focus on bringing more power into your life, an individual may focus on running from their solar plexus, located at the midpoint between the pubic bone and the belly button.  Imagining a yellow surge of energy that allows the runners stride to lead from this location of the body.  Through this visual, both the quality and color of this chakra is engaged.  Another way to engage this practice is through intention while dancing.  If there is a need to elevate sensual energy in your life, you can dance with a heightened awareness of moving through the hips and pelvis combined with visualizing the color orange in this location.


If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

The Sponsor/Sponsee Roles in AA’s 12-Step Program

There are many different support groups in the game of addiction. The few that fall into a similar category include Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), Cocaine Anonymous (CA), Overeaters Anonymous (OA), Al-Anon, Codependents Anonymous (CODA). These all follow a 12-step program. Upon early recovery, it’s suggested to attend meetings daily. While finding meetings that fit, it’s important to keep an eye out for a sponsor. A sponsor is defined as another member who takes the sponsee through the 12 steps. A sponsee would be defined as a new member to the program or a member that wants to repeat the steps. A new member or newcomer should look for a sponsor that has what they want for themselves. This can mean a few different things that include happiness, spirituality, healthy relationships and so on. It’s suggested for the sponsee to interview the potential sponsor before entering an agreement that may as well be doomed from the start. Here are a few questions a sponsee might consider asking:

  • What is expected of me?
  • Do you have a call time? (A time each day to call)
  • How quickly will we be going through the steps?

Now that the sponsee has chosen the right fit. It’s time to establish boundaries. There are certain roles the sponsor may not feel comfortable playing. Bringing the family into the recovery of the alcoholic, or any other member seeking help should be not be taken lightly. There are boundaries that can be crossed left and right. It’s wise to make them clear from the start. That’s not saying the family should not be involved in recovery. The 12-steps were built to release the person suffering from the bondage of whatever addiction that may be. It is a sensitive topic that not everyone wants their family being apart of every step of the way. The information must be kept confidential between the sponsee and sponsor to maintain trust. That being said, the sponsor/sponsee relationship is about the sponsee. The sponsor will most times be there for the sponsee during hard times and make suggestions. The sponsor will take the sponsee down a path that they had followed themselves to get sober. This is meant to keep the sponsor sober, thus the beauty of the program. The sponsee must follow suggestions and do the 12 steps to remain spiritually fit and on the road to recovery.

Enlightened Solutions encourages our patients to take advantage of AA’s 12 step program. Our partial program will give the addict the ability to find what works for them our their journey to recovery. Given the opportunity to connect with the community is a life skill we believe in here in New Jersey. Please call for more information: 833-801-5483.

Healing from Painful Past

There is a misconception that when an addict quits using, they will go on to live life without issue. Although this may be true to some extent, ridding the body of all substances is only the beginning to living a full sober life. There are many excuses and possibly some valid reasons why alcoholics feel they needed to use their drug of choice. When it comes down to it, there is an underlying cause of why the alcoholic feels they must numb the body. The addict mind is different from the non-addict mind. Addicts don’t have the ability to let things go, persisting to replay events over and over in the mind. It’s exhausting, and one might think why they would put themselves through it if they can shut it up with alcohol or drugs? This is where it gets tricky. Alcoholics will become reliant on the substance and use it to get through life at all cost. This doesn’t end well, given that addicts have a craving for alcohol and drugs that will not allow them to practice any kind of moderation.

Once there is a substance entered into the body in any form, the craving consumes the mind. At this point, there’s no use in maintaining any healthy way of dealing or coping with an unideal situation. Relationships begin to slip away and the alcoholic starts down an unhealthy path to destruction. Thing gets progressively worse and there no way of telling when the alcoholic/addict will decide to get help. When the addict has the willingness to do whatever it takes to stay sober, there will be real potential for growth. We can help get them there.

In AA, it is believed that in order to stay on the path to sobriety, a spiritual experience must take place. Admitting the powerlessness over alcohol is the first step. These steps will coincide with the healing process that an alcoholic will receive in therapy specializing knowledge in addiction. There are different ways of approaching an alcoholic who is in the healing process as well as different therapeutic treatments. Each alcoholic responds differently which is why it’s important to have a well-rounded rehabilitation experience. Feeling safe in an environment caves the way for transformation. Learning about self-love and respect that will enable the patient’s ability to manifest what they are really capable of life. Healing consists of processing the history that never sat well with the alcoholic. Taking a look at the root of the problem and letting it go, will set the alcoholic free!

Enlightened Solutions believes that healing the mind body and spirit is the first step into a life of healthy relationships and sobriety. With a holistic, clinical, and 12 step approach, the addict will learn many tools in guiding a patient to transformation. For more information call 833-801-5483.

How Sound Therapy Works

Sound therapy is rooted in the concept of energetic vibrations. To understand the power of sound therapy, consider this in the context of each person’s energetic field. This is the idea that each person has a circle of energy that extends beyond the solid matter of their own body. Since every person is surrounded by their own energetic field, it is understood that these fields, permeable matter, overlap with the fields of others. It is through this overlap that the interconnection of life can be explored.

Sound therapy is the exploration of how different frequencies of sound can influence the quality of a person’s energetic field. There is an optimal frequency state for each individual associated with their balanced state of physical, emotional and spiritual presence. This frequency may be different for different people. When a given person is out of balance in any one of these states, physical emotional or spiritual, the energetic field is also affected. Since there is an overlap between people, when one individual is out of balance, their energetic field may influence the field of those people with whom they come into contact. The frequency of sound is one method to calibrate your field to its optimal frequency. This application of sound therapy, and other practices, is sometimes referred to as ‘energy hygiene’.

When you begin your journey with sound therapy, remember that individuals function at different frequencies, so the different frequencies of sound my influence some people positively and some people negatively. It is advantageous to explore sounds when in a neutral state to discover which sounds are soothing. This discovery process from a neutral state allows one to identify which sounds will be most effective when a distressing incident occurs.

Making Sound Therapy Work For You

The process of identifying advantageous sounds to support an individual’s equilibrium reflects the journey that different individuals take in recovery to discover a higher power of their own understanding. While some people have a higher power that does not resonate with other people in recovery, the process of building a relationship with that power is replicable in spite of the difference in concepts. The same is true for the sound journey – surrender to the exploration of sound and discover which audible vibrations are soothing. Trust these sounds in your spiritual toolkit, even if they do not have the same impact for others.

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

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