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Tag: Mental Health

Caring for the Body, Mind, and Soul

There are many ways to engage in self-care. Self-care is essential to practice self-love, which is how anyone can find true happiness. There are many simple ways to engage in self-care that do not include spending money or even too much time. Sometimes there are misconceptions that the only way to practice self-care is to go on a trip to the shopping mall or getting a spa treatment. This is fine in some aspects and in moderation, there are many hidden gems that create the most happiness within through the body, mind, and soul.

The body:

One of the most important ways to practice self-care is sleep. Getting a good night’s rest is crucial to having a successful day. Nourishing the body with what it needs to sustain its healthy composure is extremely important. If someone is abusing substances it’s likely the body has had an influx of harmful toxins entering the body. Eliminating these toxins is the best way to get back on the road to good health. This combined with allowing the body to move freely is self-care. Walking outside, going on a hike, and any kind of exercise would be an example of this.

The mind:

Over the years, it’s easy to fall into bad habits of holding things inside, and using substances to numb feelings. While in treatment, it should be a safe environment for licensed doctors and counselors. This provides an opportunity to get therapy for what people had been ignoring and using it as ammunition for self-sabotage. Allowing patients to process these sometimes painful memories and thoughts give freedom to move forward. Sometimes patients need to be reminded that the mind can justify things that aren’t productive.

The soul:

Being spiritually fit is more important than people might think. It can be hard to believe in something that isn’t physically there as proof. However, when people can sit in silence, or meditation and ask for guidance, life becomes more clear. It’s as if, a person can let go of making all the decisions. Letting go of the control and letting a higher power take control. This is liberating and opens the doors to true happiness and self-love. When there is self-love there will be less self-destructive behavior.

Enlightened Solutions partial program is the perfect place to transform your body, mind, and soul for a better life. If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism and/or mental health, get help today. Call for more information: 844-234-LOVE.

Sleep Deprivation and Psychosis

Sleep deprivation is an unfortunate struggle that is all too common among those with addiction. When a person had been engaging in stimulants, there’s a much greater chance that there had been a lack of sleep. Some people go for days without sleep and the longer the abuse takes place, the higher risk there is for someone to slip into an early psychosis or psychosis. There is hope in coming back from this state, but there are many people out there for which it was too late.

Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse have become a popular aid for students and others who need an extra boost. These are meant for those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Unfortunately, it has become easy for many to lie to a psychiatrist to gain access to this “miracle pill”. It may work great in the beginning, but once any abuse takes place, it’s like any other high. Those with addiction can then be headed down a dangerous path.

People can sometimes feel euphoric after pulling an all-nighter. This sleep loss leads to bad judgment and poor decision-making skills. Combining the lack of sleep and food will put an anyone on a path to destruction of the body psychically and mentally.

Those living with mental disorders already have a sleep barrier. Sleep patterns become disrupted by the countless mood swings of the brain, enabling rapid eye movement (REM) sleep to occur when balanced. This is why it can be a difficult process while stabilizing in early recovery. People need sleep to balance the mood, but at this time the mood is keeping the person from sleeping.

There are many guided meditations to help people find a sleep pattern that can prevent tossing and turning all night. At such a painful time in life, it’s also important to turn the mind away from negative talk and imagery. Guided meditations can take people into a safe, comforting place for much needed sound sleep.

If you are struggling mentally and physically with addiction, please start with us on the road to recovery. Recovery is the most beautiful possibility if you are willing to take it! Enlightened Solutions offers a clinical, holistic and 12-step approach that can help you take back your life. Don’t waste one more day and call us here in New Jersey. 833-801-5483.

Dual Diagnosis: Mental Health and Substance Abuse

Many people with a drug or alcohol addiction also have a mental health condition. People who have depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or other psychiatric disorders often turn to drugs or alcohol to escape reality. The psychiatric disorder and substance addiction are referred to as a co-occurring disorder or dual diagnosis.

A person with a mental illness uses drugs or alcohol for the euphoric effects caused by the release of dopamine. These effects are temporary and drugs or alcohol can make the person’s mental illness symptoms worse. Drugs can cause paranoia, increase depression, disrupt sleep patterns, and heighten anxiety.

Drugs also affect a person’s mood and can cause aggressive behavior such as rage, violence, or anger. The intensity of the drug, duration of use, and amount used determine the effects each person experiences. Some drugs can cause lethargy, sleepiness, or delayed responses and reactions.

PTSD is a debilitating mental disorder marked by depression, intense anxiety, and intrusive memories or flashbacks that interfere with daily life. People develop PTSD from military combat, natural disasters, sexual assault, or childhood abuse. First responders are also at high risk of PTSD due to on-scene tragedies, accidents, or crimes.

People with mental disorders often turn to drugs or alcohol to suppress his or her pain. A person abuses drugs or alcohol as a way to seek temporary relief from the reality of daily life. He or she uses more and more to escape painful memories and flashbacks, which increases the risk of drug or alcohol addiction.

People living with PTSD often relive the traumatic event, have nightmares, and can become socially withdrawn. A person with PTSD can feel ashamed or guilty from the trauma and be reluctant to seek help. When a person with PTSD and substance abuse goes to treatment, he or she needs intense support and encouragement from family and friends. A dual diagnosis can be difficult to treat, but recovery is possible.

A person with a mental illness and substance addiction is living with a dual diagnosis and needs to get treatment immediately for his or her mental health and addiction. A medical professional or medical team can monitor and manage the combined treatment and medication if needed. Many drugs can worsen symptoms of a mental illness and cause physical impairment, overdose, or death.

Recovery needs to take place in mind, body, and spirit in order for full rehabilitation to take place with a dual diagnosis. That is why Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic approach to treatment, providing a multi-faceted partial care program rooted in evidence-based therapies, proven healing methods, and 12-step inspired recovery. Call us today for information on our programs for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders: 833-801-5483.

Coping With Emotions in Early Recovery

The effects of drugs and alcohol cover up a person’s feelings when they are using. People who have a drug or alcohol addiction often start using to cope with emotions and feelings such as stress, anxiety, or depression. After using drugs or alcohol for a long time, the brain becomes dependent on the substance to function.

When a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol goes to treatment, he or she needs to adjust to a new substance-free lifestyle. Ending drug or alcohol use takes a lot of hard work and determination from the person who uses the substances. After treatment ends, the individual will begin to feel the emotions that were once subdued by the effects of drugs or alcohol. This can put the person at high risk of relapse due to the intensity of emotions he or she feels.

In early recovery, feelings and emotions will re-surface. The person can experience joy, sadness, and empathy in ways that can be overwhelming. The feelings that have mental associations with drugs or alcohol may trigger the urge to use. The individual should learn how to cope with triggers and not turn to familiar habits of using drugs or alcohol.

After years of responding to feelings or emotions by using, it will take time to break the association. Learning what feelings and emotions trigger the urge can help. Keeping a journal of the feelings and emotions will help the person become more aware of patterns and track progress.

The person in early recovery should find positive coping skills such as going for a walk, listening to music, reading, or playing with a pet helps to get through emotional triggers. Talking to sober, supportive friends can help a person cope with their emotions. The individual in recovery should get to know people in group meetings who can help during difficult times. When a person in early recovery is feeling triggered, he or she should call someone who can offer encouragement through challenging moments. The person in recovery should avoid triggers and have a plan for coping with the strong emotions that come with a new, sober lifestyle.

Emotions won’t kill you. Sustained drug and alcohol addiction can. When you choose to recover, you need to recover fully. Recovery needs to take place in mind, body, and spirit. That is why Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic approach to treatment, providing a multi-faceted partial care program rooted in evidence-based therapies, proven healing methods, and 12-step inspired recovery. Call us today for information on our programs for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders: 833-801-5483.

Public Health Emergency

There is an opioid epidemic happening right now and it’s killing people at an unprecedented rate. The President of the United States has made the declaration that this is a Public Health Emergency. However, there is still much to be done to receive actual results. While critical funding is being slashed from Medicaid and The National Institutes of Health, effort was put forth to tap the accounts dismal $57,000 of funding.

On average an inpatient treatment center cost $12,000-$60,000 for a 30-day stay. This is simply isn’t enough for the task at hand. To put things into perspective, in 2016 there had been 64,000 overdoses. Families across America are losing loved ones daily to this rampant disease.

Pain management can be a problematic for prescribing doctors across the US. The DEA has been cracking down doctor shopping yet the problem hasn’t slowed down. Prescription opioid deaths have quadrupled since 1999. However, the amount of pain reported has not seen much of any change. There’s something to say for personal responsibility, but something has to be done here to save some lives.

The federal government will be investing in non-addictive painkillers, and prevention. However, there progress has been minimal so far. Meanwhile, addicts are gaining tolerance for medications and having to find the drug on the streets. Often times, abuse starts off with legitimate use, followed by a slow progression of addictive behavior.

When opioids are combined with benzodiazepines and/or alcohol the rate of overdose increases. For those who cannot afford the pill form will resort to using heroin. This can either be administered orally or for faster relief through snorting crushed up pills, or intravenously. By sharing drug paraphernalia addicts transfer HIV, hepatitis, STDs, and other blood-borne diseases. These are only a few of the opioid risk factors and statistics that have shown to be the epitome of what’s going on without any real solution. Get help before it’s too late.

If you are struggling with opioids or you know of someone who is, there is help for you! Enlightened Solutions is a facility that will save your life. Don’t hesitate and call today: 833-801-5483.

Treating Bipolar Disorder

It is a common occurrence for those with bipolar to have the idea of going off prescribed medication when things seem to be going well. This is unfortunate because the medication is working and the person is stable at that time. The high from the mania can feel more freeing than the stability of baseline behavior.

Life during a manic episode can reach levels of complete unmanageability. There are greater highs and lows with longer periods in between. Those with bipolar II also have episodes that are disrupting in life, but the ups and downs are more consistent waves between baseline.

There needs to be acceptance of the diagnosis for there to be consistent medication management. One of the biggest issues with this diagnosis is the inconsistency of the regulating medication. If needed there should be someone to moderate and administer the medication. This may not be ideal, but until there is cooperation, there needs to be someone involved who understands the severity of the situation.

Manic-depressive episodes will interrupt a person’s whole life if medication is not taken properly. There are episodes that cause people to act out in ways that are not out of sync with their normal state. When stable again, there can be a feeling of dissociation to this “other” person. This is commonly linked to addiction due to the lapse in judgment.

For loved ones, there are ways that you can recognize bipolar disorder and begin to seek help. During a manic period, there may be a lack of sleep and increased amount of energy.  Many times there will be a surge of unfinished projects and excessive goals. Sexual behavior is also something to look out for as well.

These amongst other strange behaviors are all reason to check into a facility to begin balancing out on a mood stabilizer. There’s no need to live life with these unnecessary ups and downs when there is treatment. This particular untreated mental disorder is preventable if there is a willingness to get help. Sometimes all it takes is a second to look back at the erratic history to come to a realization and see clearly what’s the next right step.

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, do not lose help! Enlightened Solution’s partial program is designed to help you lead a full life with the love and joy you deserve. Don’t hesitate and take back your life today: 833-801-5483.

Be Good to the Earth and the Earth will be Good to You

When the disease of addiction is active, it is likely nothing matters except the next drink or drug. While in treatment and getting on a path to recovery, holistic programs encourage a connection with a higher power. This connection lays the groundwork for a new outlook on life completely. Becoming honest and accepting defeat over addictive behavior is a humbling experience. Clients must now look at what drives these thoughts to escape life. While there are a lot of negative aspects about this world, there are also many positives. In other words, if there were no dark, we could not see the light. When people can manage to get out of the mind’s grasp, new beauties and senses arise.

It’s important to learn early in recovery about how to be one with the earth. The connection that is discovered between a human and the earth can have an impact on confidence. Learning about the importance of recycling, composting, and working in a community garden can give more meaning to taking care of the earth. For those who have felt like a burden in the past, recycling and composting is a wonderful way to help see how that couldn’t be further from the truth. Patients can take this experience and realize how they are essential to this earth too. There are billions of people on this planet, and it is vital that we take care of the earth for new generations to come.

Working in the garden is a form of becoming nurturing towards another living organism. The sense of becoming one with the earth is very therapeutic for those with depression and anxiety. Often times, it’s easy to feel a void in the soul and working to sustain the beauty of this earth warms the body to it’s core. Surrendering to the disease of addiction can be difficult and painful, but it can also be freeing. Those who begin to see this can see life in as a whole new beautiful meaning. Clients who find confidence and self-esteem in working to keep our planet green, have a chance at finding a deeper sense of what life is all about. This is all part of the transformation into the light, out of the dark world of addiction.


If you are struggling with addictive behavior and/or mental health, find acceptance and serenity at Enlightened Solutions. Our clinical, holistic and 12-step approach is designed to help you balance the body, mind, and soul Call for more information today: 833-801-5483.

Differentiating Bipolar I & II

As of lately the diagnosis of bipolar has been thrown around casually without much knowledge about the topic. That is why it is crucial to find out what is really going on; if there really is any behavior that shows signs of the bipolar diagnosis, or if it’s something else. Being in a treatment facility can be extremely beneficial in being diagnosed. There are three stages to withdrawal; mild, moderate and severe. After the detoxification period is over, a licensed psychiatrist will be able to diagnose based on behavior, without substances clouding the mind. There are two forms of bipolar disorder. Bipolar I will have episodes of manic behavior, while bipolar II is more calm with hypomania. This may seem like only a slight difference at first, but it is very obvious in the bigger spectrum. Those with bipolar I can also have symptoms of bipolar II, but those with bipolar II do not have symptoms of bipolar I.

Those of who have Bipolar I will have very erratic behavior lasting for longer periods of time. This behavior is more bizarre, out of control, and impulsive. While being diagnosed, a psychiatrist will look at the patient’s history regarding mania and depression. There is a criterion that must be met, in order to put this diagnosis on any medical record. Since this form of bipolar is more extreme, a prescribed mood stabilizer will help with symptoms. While on mood stabilizers there can be no substance abuse in any form. Medication and therapy combined should allow for an enormous shift in the patient’s behavior. However, this is a lifelong diagnosis that will have to be taken very seriously. Often times when a patient start to feel better, they go off of the medication, which leads to a downward spiral once again.

Bipolar II is classified as being milder, but not any less of a concern for psychiatrists treating a patient who shows these symptoms. However, this behavior doesn’t interfere with daily life as much as bipolar I. Those with bipolar II disorder, have been linked to poorer health-related issues, and higher depressed day count. Patients with bipolar II are also less likely to be able to return to normal lives as those with bipolar I. Both bipolar I and II have stages of euthymia, which means a normal state of mind. There is no way to tell how long these will last for or when they might occur. Much like the disease of alcoholism, no two bipolar diagnoses are exactly the same. Each person will have their own symptoms and story. As long as the patient is willing to accept this diagnosis, life will keep having preventable, unnecessary ups and downs.

If you are struggling with a mental illness and/or addiction, Enlightened Solutions offers dual-diagnosis treatment with licensed professionals. Our holistic, clinical and 12 step approach is designed to help patients prosper in the road to recovery. For more information call today: 833-801-5483.

Letting Go of Materialism

In society today, we have access to a massive amount of material goods. Materialism has taken a large space in the lives of people almost everywhere in the world. One could say though, that the more accumulated, the more miserable the person. When people with addiction problems find shopping to be an easy escape, it’s because there’s a need to fill an empty void that lingers subconsciously. When an addict feels the compulsion to buy things, an underlying uncomfortable feeling has been triggered. Shopping addiction is a real psychiatric disorder going back to the early nineteenth century. There are consequences of these purchases and even though shopping addicts know better, it happens anyway. Similarly to alcoholism, the addict had already relapsed in their mind before it had actually taken place.

Impulsively spending money on unnecessary objects has been proven to only provide happiness for a small period of time. The addict will many times find themselves in tight spots when it could have been prevented. Credit card debt piles up and soon enough, shopping addicts resort to filing for bankruptcy. This madness can be contained by simply feeling the pain and difficulty that life has to offer. The idea that pain is bad, leads people to avoid it at any cost. In actuality, those who handle their pain by understanding and processing through will find that they are free to live without obsessing about something shiny and new. Being courageous to walk through the pain will always have its benefits in the long term. It’s not easy, but neither is dealing with creditors.

Being in denial about spending too much money on material objects is how things can get out of control, fast. Acceptance is always the first step in the right direction. Once the healing has begun, the addict will be able to see what they had been missing for so long. A gratitude list is always suggested to get a grasp on reality. Decluttering the addicts like will be an eye-opening experience. Purging unwanted stuff, and still feeling happy is a true transformation of a shopping addict. It can be easy to swap one addiction for another, which is why this is common in early sobriety. To continue down a spiritual path will always result in appreciation created by God, and not sweat shops with children working for low wages.

If you are looking to simplify your life and become less stressed, Enlightened Solutions is for you. Our partial program will allow for a spiritual transformation into enlightenment. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

Neuroscience of Spirituality

To many who start the recovery process and lifestyle, the news that it involves a spiritual awakening is bad news.  There is an assumption that the beloved relationship with science and facts must be forsaken for the healing of self-destructive addiction.  For these people, the neuroscience of spirituality is wonderful news!

The neuroscience of spirituality, also named Spiritual Intelligence (SI), is a powerful framework for the recovering person’s process of awakening.  SI is the journey of deepening consciousness or awareness of self.  This transcendence is rooted in the science of the brain.   3 types of spiritual intelligence can be defined:

  • Emotional intelligence (EI) which lives on the right side of the brain
  • Intellectual intelligence (IQ) which lives on the left side of the brain and
  • Spiritual intelligence (SQ) which is a layer of matter circling the right and left sides of the brain

This is exciting news as people are usually identified as either “right-brained” indicating a more creative person or “left-brained” indicating a more logical or scientific-minded person.

Recovery is the journey of ceasing physical addiction, changing daily life behaviors and the evolving consciousness that stems from the integration of those changes.  While this journey of raised consciousness has been accepted in recovery circles for decades, the neuroscience of spirituality is now scientific evidence that this is occurring.  

The primary theory validating this experience is called Integrated Information Theory (IIT).  IIT is the explanation that our brain takes information inputs from the external world via all three intelligence pathways and brings them together in one holistic experience.  The inputs are received and integrated.  It is the interpretation of these streams of information as one unified experience that generates consciousness.  

Since the information being gathered is a mix of objective, clearly defined information and subjective, undefined information that is cooked into one integrated spiritual experience, the outputs generated by varied people with unique life experiences will vary greatly.  It is this reason that the wisdom of AA’s original teaching, A God of His Own Understanding, continues to save lives today.  The effectiveness of allowing each person have their own conception of a higher power is validated by this scientific theory.  


If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, know that there is hope. There is a solution. Harmoniously fusing together the best elements of clinical care, holistic healing, and 12-step philosophy, Enlightened Solutions has created a program of total transformation for men and women seeking recovery. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs in New Jersey.

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