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Tag: Healthy Living

Coping With Emotions in Early Recovery

The effects of drugs and alcohol cover up a person’s feelings when they are using. People who have a drug or alcohol addiction often start using to cope with emotions and feelings such as stress, anxiety, or depression. After using drugs or alcohol for a long time, the brain becomes dependent on the substance to function.

When a person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol goes to treatment, he or she needs to adjust to a new substance-free lifestyle. Ending drug or alcohol use takes a lot of hard work and determination from the person who uses the substances. After treatment ends, the individual will begin to feel the emotions that were once subdued by the effects of drugs or alcohol. This can put the person at high risk of relapse due to the intensity of emotions he or she feels.

In early recovery, feelings and emotions will re-surface. The person can experience joy, sadness, and empathy in ways that can be overwhelming. The feelings that have mental associations with drugs or alcohol may trigger the urge to use. The individual should learn how to cope with triggers and not turn to familiar habits of using drugs or alcohol.

After years of responding to feelings or emotions by using, it will take time to break the association. Learning what feelings and emotions trigger the urge can help. Keeping a journal of the feelings and emotions will help the person become more aware of patterns and track progress.

The person in early recovery should find positive coping skills such as going for a walk, listening to music, reading, or playing with a pet helps to get through emotional triggers. Talking to sober, supportive friends can help a person cope with their emotions. The individual in recovery should get to know people in group meetings who can help during difficult times. When a person in early recovery is feeling triggered, he or she should call someone who can offer encouragement through challenging moments. The person in recovery should avoid triggers and have a plan for coping with the strong emotions that come with a new, sober lifestyle.

Emotions won’t kill you. Sustained drug and alcohol addiction can. When you choose to recover, you need to recover fully. Recovery needs to take place in mind, body, and spirit. That is why Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic approach to treatment, providing a multi-faceted partial care program rooted in evidence-based therapies, proven healing methods, and 12-step inspired recovery. Call us today for information on our programs for substance abuse and co-occurring disorders: 833-801-5483.

Alcohol-Induced Blackouts

Blackouts were once associated with alcoholism but can happen when a person drinks a lot of alcohol too fast. Blackouts cause long-term damage. High levels of alcohol impair the part of the brain that forms new memories. A blackout is characterized by amnesia during intoxication. A person does not forget what happened when he or she has a blackout because the memories never existed.

When a person passes out, he or she loses consciousness and cannot wake up. An individual who has alcohol-poisoning can pass out or blackout. Passing out and blackouts result in negative consequences, but blackouts cause long-term damage.

Not everyone who drinks rapidly and excessively will have a blackout. Some people are more susceptible to alcohol-induced memory impairment. Many people with alcoholism experience blackouts in the early part of addiction. Alcohol poisoning and blackouts are very harmful and lead to serious mental and physical impairment.

If a person experiences a blackout once, he or she is at risk of having more blackouts. Most people who consume large amounts of alcohol will develop memory problems and brain damage. A person can have a genetic predisposition to blackouts. His or her family members might have trouble with alcohol or alcoholism.

Chronic heavy drinkers have significant memory issues and their brains can deteriorate. Teens who blackout from drinking alcohol incur long-term, irreversible damage. Excessive drinking leads to severe memory problems. A person who drinks alcohol and the people around him or her do not realize the person is blacking out. Some individuals who drink alcohol engage in risky and dangerous behaviors and cannot remember the next day.

During a blackout, the memory storage process shuts down. Blackouts are caused by a chemical disruption in the brain’s hippocampus, which is where memories are developed. Alcohol interferes with the receptors that carry signals to that part of the brain and disrupts the memory-making process. A person who experiences a blackout can still have the ability to maintain language and motor skills, but his or her brain loses the capability to form new memories.

Blackouts are dangerous because when a person is drunk, he or she is at risk of making poor decisions such as driving or having unprotected sex. Over time, heavy drinking can damage vital organs. Excessive drinking causes liver failure, a heart attack, and severe brain damage. If you or someone you know experienced an alcohol-induced blackout, get help before the problem becomes an addiction.

If your drinking has become a problem, don’t let the problem worsen. The best move to make for recovery from alcohol abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs.

4 Ways to Stay Clean and Sober

After treatment, you need to make a lot of adjustments and lifestyle changes for recovery. There will be many challenges that put you at high risk for relapse. Plan a strategy in advance to avoid difficult situations that may tempt you to use.

Here are 4 ways to stay clean and sober:

Join support groups. Keep going to group therapy and support groups during recovery. Many people in these groups are going through the same thing as you. Develop friendships with clean and sober friends who you can call when you feel like you might relapse.

Avoid triggers.

To remain clean and sober you need to identify your triggers and avoid them. This includes any old friends who are associated with your using drugs or abusing alcohol. There might be certain places that remind you of your times using. Stay away from those places. Things can remind you of using such as commercials or programs linked to using or drinking. When you cannot avoid triggers, call on a clean, sober friend who can talk to you to keep your mind from thinking about using.


A great way to stay clean and sober is to put exercise into your daily routine. Exercising will take care of you physically and mentally and is a great healthy activity to participate in.

Keep a journal.

By writing down your feelings, you can reflect on your success and see how your lifestyle has changed. Writing keeps the mind active and you will have less time to think about using drugs or alcohol.

Stay active with interests and hobbies.

Find new activities that interest you such as walking, joining a gym, participating in a book club, playing sports, or you might be creative and join an art class.

Discover activities to keep you busy. Make sure the time you once spent abusing substances is filled with fun, healthy hobbies. This will help you stay clean and sober. Talk to new friends in support groups when you are feeling tempted to use. Rebuild damaged relationships with family and friends. The lifestyle changes will take a lot of time, but you will be able to stay clean and sober and have fun!

If your substance abuse has become a problem, don’t let the problem worsen. The best move to make for recovery from drug abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs.

5 Ways to Avoid an Addiction to Painkillers

Doctors prescribe painkillers to patients as a way to manage pain from an injury, surgery, or trauma. Painkillers are highly addictive opioids. The opioids are Oxycontin, Vicodin, Dilaudid, and Demerol. These opioids are for short-term use; however, opioids are also used for long-term illnesses such as cancer. The opioid epidemic has been declared a national health emergency due to the staggering rise in opioid use, overdoses, and deaths.

When you are prescribed a painkiller, it is crucial to follow the dose exactly as written by your doctor or other medical professional. Painkillers cause a sense of intense euphoria from the release of dopamine in your brain. As more medication is taken, more tolerance builds up to achieve the euphoric effects. If you take the painkiller for a long time, you can develop a physical dependence on the drug. The physical dependency puts you at high risk of developing an opioid addiction.

Many people who use heroin begin their addiction with painkillers. Long-term use of painkillers leads to tolerance, dependence, and overdose or death. Here are 5 ways to prevent an addiction to painkillers:

Follow the doctor’s orders.

If you are taking medication for pain, take the medication as directed by your doctor. When you take more painkillers, more often than prescribed, you put yourself at risk of developing a dependency or addiction. Take the painkillers exactly as your doctor tells you.

Seek alternatives.

Talk to your doctor about alternatives to opioids. Less addictive medications can alleviate pain. Check with your doctor for other options that can minimize discomfort.

Ask yourself if you still need painkillers.

If your pain is more manageable and you are experiencing less pain, ask yourself if you need to continue using painkillers. If you continue to use them, but no longer need them, you could be at risk of addiction.

Limit the opioid use.

Do not take more painkillers than needed or increase the duration of use. If you feel better, talk to your physician about discontinuing the medication and withdrawal management.

Think about other risks.

Discuss other factors with your physician that may contribute to your risk of developing an addiction. Talk about your experiences with addiction to drugs or alcohol, or mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

People are unnecessarily dying due to opioid addiction. The number of opioid-related overdoses and deaths are staggering. The increase in opioid abuse has been declared a national opioid crisis. Opioid addiction can be prevented if you know the risk factors, act responsibly, and maintain communication with your physician.

If your prescription painkiller abuse has become a problem, don’t let the problem worsen. The best move to make for recovery from drug abuse is the quickest move by calling and asking for help immediately. Recovery is possible and healing will take place in mind, body, and spirit. Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a holistic based, 12-step inspired, clinically proven program for alcoholism and co-occurring disorders. Call 833-801-5483 today for information on our partial care programs.

Treating Bipolar Disorder

It is a common occurrence for those with bipolar to have the idea of going off prescribed medication when things seem to be going well. This is unfortunate because the medication is working and the person is stable at that time. The high from the mania can feel more freeing than the stability of baseline behavior.

Life during a manic episode can reach levels of complete unmanageability. There are greater highs and lows with longer periods in between. Those with bipolar II also have episodes that are disrupting in life, but the ups and downs are more consistent waves between baseline.

There needs to be acceptance of the diagnosis for there to be consistent medication management. One of the biggest issues with this diagnosis is the inconsistency of the regulating medication. If needed there should be someone to moderate and administer the medication. This may not be ideal, but until there is cooperation, there needs to be someone involved who understands the severity of the situation.

Manic-depressive episodes will interrupt a person’s whole life if medication is not taken properly. There are episodes that cause people to act out in ways that are not out of sync with their normal state. When stable again, there can be a feeling of dissociation to this “other” person. This is commonly linked to addiction due to the lapse in judgment.

For loved ones, there are ways that you can recognize bipolar disorder and begin to seek help. During a manic period, there may be a lack of sleep and increased amount of energy.  Many times there will be a surge of unfinished projects and excessive goals. Sexual behavior is also something to look out for as well.

These amongst other strange behaviors are all reason to check into a facility to begin balancing out on a mood stabilizer. There’s no need to live life with these unnecessary ups and downs when there is treatment. This particular untreated mental disorder is preventable if there is a willingness to get help. Sometimes all it takes is a second to look back at the erratic history to come to a realization and see clearly what’s the next right step.

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, do not lose help! Enlightened Solution’s partial program is designed to help you lead a full life with the love and joy you deserve. Don’t hesitate and take back your life today: 833-801-5483.

Some History on Homelessness

Mental health can sometimes get portrayed in a negative light. There are many stigmas that have become very harmful with those who have mental disorders. The lack of care amongst those with mental disorders has skyrocketed throughout the past century. The deinstitutionalization of those receiving help in state hospitals had originally sparked the mass migration of the people onto the streets. By the 1950s, state-funded hospitals had emptied the wards and sent the patients to group homes across the states. The poor living conditions and lack of proper medication management led to patients leaving houses and inevitably wandering the streets with nowhere to go.

In 1967, while Reagan was governor of California, passed the Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act, which made it almost impossible for involuntary hospitalization except in extreme cases. This made this dire situation and soon thereafter, thousands of people with mental disorders became a threat to the public. Violence and police intervention had increased and still, nothing was being done. People who were sick were being locked up instead of getting much-needed help.

Although the magnitude of the situation was still not seen for what it was, President Jimmy Carter signed the Mental Health Systems Act which would lend aid to prevention of mental illness and “promotion of positive mental health.” However, when Reagan came into office, the act was never set into place. Under Reagan, the those with mental illness never had a chance. Similarly to Nixon, Reagan associated psychiatry with communism therefore never addressing the issue in an appropriate context.

Due to the lack of options for those with mental disorders, statistics have shown a rise in homelessness, violence, and deaths. Untreated mental illness had been the cause for these unfortunate numbers but still, there hasn’t been much progress. All over the country, people who are sick are being thrown out on the streets to fend for themselves. Once homeless, they are ostracized and looked down on for their lack of ability to get a job like everyone else. There is a lot of compassion and effort to get these people help they so desperately need, but it’s a long way from a real solution.

If you are suffering from addiction, alcoholism and/or mental health, there is hope for you! Enlightened Solutions clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach is designed to transform patients lives within the body, mind, and soul. Call today for more information: 833-801-5483.

When it is Time to Leave a Relationship Behind

Patient. Acceptance that addiction has power is vital in understanding the next step in how to execute change. If the enabling remains part of the person’s life with addiction and/or alcoholism, there will be no real reason to get help.

Using friends are the first to go on the path to recovery. Cutting off contact with all bad influences will guide the person away from those who do not and will not support their recovery.

Romantic relationships can be complicated. While it is recommended that there shouldn’t be any big changes in the first year of sobriety, it should be pretty clear when this does not apply. When a relationship is based on the substance, it’s time to go. Unless both parties enter treatment and begin work on themselves, the person attempting to recover could be drawn back into old habits by the person still in the disease. Often times, after sobering up, people in recovery have different perspectives in regards to romantic feelings. It can be painful but for a better future, one must walk away from the past.

Under certain circumstances, the identified patient may only have the option to go back into old neighborhoods and environments. Being sober will be difficult around all of the unavoidable triggers. Becoming involved in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous is beneficial because of the new healthy friendships formed. When times are tough, it’s important to have a sober support network, other than a therapist. As time passes, life will have a brighter outlook and things tend to fall into place.

Enlightened Solution’s holistic, clinical, and 12-step approach is the treatment for anyone whose life is out of control. Begin to heal the body, mind, and soul with our amazing staff here in New Jersey. Don’t wait any longer and contact us today for more information.

Are Vaporizers Bad for your Health?

It is commonly known that when patients enter treatment facilities, they may give into the temptation of nicotine. The fact that nicotine releases dopamine to the brain is one of the reasons why there is a strong craving for the substance. Since vaporizers have come onto the market, the product has become known as less harmful than cigarettes.

Vaporizers have less carcinogenic products and less smoke inhalation than cigarettes which is a good thing. However, even though vaporizers have been approved by the FDA, there are still zero regulations on the additives they use to produce the products e-liquid. Scientists are still studying the long-term effects that these chemical components will have on people.

There are many different manufacturers of e-liquid already. Some of these liquids contain diacetyl, which happens to give butter its buttery taste that we all know so well. This will cause scarring in the lungs known as “popcorn lung.” Why might you ask? The reason behind the name is an incident that occurred in a popcorn factory, where hundreds of employees had been inhaling diacetyl. This was the cause for non-reversing lung damage. There haven’t been any cases of this yet, it’s one of the risks of the usage of diacetyl in the e-liquid.

The are many flavors of e-liquids that produces the smell of the exhalation. The particles in this vaporized material have ultrafine products that can cause pulmonary health problems. The concern is the stigma that vaporizers are healthier than cigarettes. This is not necessarily true. There is no evidence of long-term effects just yet, which means vape users today are the guinea pigs for the product.

Neither vaporizers or cigarettes are a good solution for the body and it doesn’t make much sense to consider “vaping” a step down from smoking cigarettes. It is not suggested to take up smoking while in treatment which would only be trading in one addiction for another. While in treatment, it is suggested to time to embrace the healing process and learn to live without harmful assistance. It may be hard work but it pays off in the end with a long, healthy future.

If you have a history of addictive behavior and/or mental health issues, our safe environment offers a chance to heal. Come begin the transformation with us in New Jersey. Enlightened Solutions has a partial program that includes a clinical, holistic and 12-step approach proven to show real results. For more information, please call 833-801-5483.

Body Image and Eating Disorders

The disease of addiction is a way to ignore painful feelings stemming from the past. The many behaviors that people can find themselves compulsively participating. These can range from illegal substances to products you can buy from the store at any age. Body dysmorphia is a psychological condition that involves a false body image. Often times this leads to dangerous eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Each of these disorders have different side effects and behaviors. Eating disorders are more prevalent in countries that have histories of body shaming. All genders suffer from body dysmorphia.

Body dysmorphic disorder is an addictive behavior. This in particular is the mind obsessing over food. It begins to take on a life of its own, overlooking life’s other responsibilities. Body shaming has been the reason behind much of this behavior. This has been an issue that’s been getting more attention and often times it coincides with addictions to stimulants. One of the more popular prescription medications that’s currently being abused is Adderall. However, adderall is supposed to focus those with ADD and ADHD. In fact, this was initially given to soldiers in WWII, giving them an extra boost of energy to continue the war. Now it’s being used for weight loss and productivity. This is similar to methamphetamines, which can cause psychosis with severe abuse.  

Eating disorders can be damaging to the body. The body needs nutrients to survive and when it’s depleted the body begins to shut down. Although anticipated weight loss may occur, there could be a long list of major health issues down the road. Once in treatment, there will be an opportunity to work on patient’s body image and lack of self-esteem. There will be promotion of self-love and respect which will assist in correcting harmful feelings of self worth. Patients will work on the inner child trauma that had inevitably brought them to the point of self-destruction. Through different methods of therapy are designed to help patients heal. This will in time, will increase the patient’s love for the body, soul, and mind.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder and/or addiction to substances, Enlightened Solutions partial patient program in New Jersey will greatly benefit you. Our clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach is the beginning of a beautiful life with passion and hope. For more information, please call today: 833-801-5483.

10 Foods that Feed Mind, Body, Spirit

Food can tend to multiple needs simultaneously – emotional, physical and mental. Learn to consider what is healthful from a perspective of adaptability – every food choice may nourish us in different ways!   Some things to consider about food is that our bodies’ needs may change over time based on where we are in our recovery journey or where we are in our life journey.   With this groundwork of the context of our life considered, we can then look at some specific healthy foods choices:


  1. Water: this a key first priority, especially when detoxifying. It is our natural state and can bring forward fluidness in our spirit.  
  2. Avocado: This green beauty is a powerhouse of a nutritional meal! Avocado’s are full of good fat which improves the health of your heart and the sustenance will last a long time.  
  3. Dates: sugary and comfort foods can be a way to sooth the emotional healing process in recovery and dates are a great plant-based source of sweet.  Combine with nut butters to slow down the metabolization for a snack that sustains longer.
  4. Raw Nuts: a great snack to have on the go! When you find yourself in a state of hungry-angry-lonely-tired (HALT), you have a healthy snack on hand to bring your physical body back into center.
  5. Goji Berries: these are a powerful food that satisfy the desire for sweet and offer detoxification support to the liver.  Play with eating one berry at a time and fully experiencing it with all of the sensation of your mouth!
  6. Passion fruit: remember, it isn’t ready to eat until the outer shell is wrinkled.  Once it arrives at this place, you can open it and empty the fruit into your belly.  Mix with almond milk and freeze for a fun spin on ice cream.  
  7. Millet: this powerful grain cooks much quicker than other whole grains and has a bread-like texture that can satisfy the desire for comfort foods.  
  8. Greens: this means a lot of different foods: lettuces, spinach, kale, chard and more! These foods are fabulous for their mineral content and positive impact on your digestive system.  
  9. Beets: these lovely Fall root veggies are sweet and easy to prepare! You can wrap them in tin foil, whole, and pop them in the oven at 350 for 45 minutes. Allow them to support you in becoming rooted in your purpose.  
  10. Chia pudding: this delicious food can be dessert while also working as a fiber to carry toxins out of the digestive system.  


Enlightened Recovery Solutions offers a harmonious approach to holistic treatment, bringing together the best of evidence-based, alternative, and 12-step therapies. Call us today for information on our transformation programs of treatment for addiction and alcoholism: 833-801-5483.

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