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Tag: Treatment

Public Health Emergency

There is an opioid epidemic happening right now and it’s killing people at an unprecedented rate. The President of the United States has made the declaration that this is a Public Health Emergency. However, there is still much to be done to receive actual results. While critical funding is being slashed from Medicaid and The National Institutes of Health, effort was put forth to tap the accounts dismal $57,000 of funding.

On average an inpatient treatment center cost $12,000-$60,000 for a 30-day stay. This is simply isn’t enough for the task at hand. To put things into perspective, in 2016 there had been 64,000 overdoses. Families across America are losing loved ones daily to this rampant disease.

Pain management can be a problematic for prescribing doctors across the US. The DEA has been cracking down doctor shopping yet the problem hasn’t slowed down. Prescription opioid deaths have quadrupled since 1999. However, the amount of pain reported has not seen much of any change. There’s something to say for personal responsibility, but something has to be done here to save some lives.

The federal government will be investing in non-addictive painkillers, and prevention. However, there progress has been minimal so far. Meanwhile, addicts are gaining tolerance for medications and having to find the drug on the streets. Often times, abuse starts off with legitimate use, followed by a slow progression of addictive behavior.

When opioids are combined with benzodiazepines and/or alcohol the rate of overdose increases. For those who cannot afford the pill form will resort to using heroin. This can either be administered orally or for faster relief through snorting crushed up pills, or intravenously. By sharing drug paraphernalia addicts transfer HIV, hepatitis, STDs, and other blood-borne diseases. These are only a few of the opioid risk factors and statistics that have shown to be the epitome of what’s going on without any real solution. Get help before it’s too late.

If you are struggling with opioids or you know of someone who is, there is help for you! Enlightened Solutions is a facility that will save your life. Don’t hesitate and call today: 833-801-5483.

Treating Bipolar Disorder

It is a common occurrence for those with bipolar to have the idea of going off prescribed medication when things seem to be going well. This is unfortunate because the medication is working and the person is stable at that time. The high from the mania can feel more freeing than the stability of baseline behavior.

Life during a manic episode can reach levels of complete unmanageability. There are greater highs and lows with longer periods in between. Those with bipolar II also have episodes that are disrupting in life, but the ups and downs are more consistent waves between baseline.

There needs to be acceptance of the diagnosis for there to be consistent medication management. One of the biggest issues with this diagnosis is the inconsistency of the regulating medication. If needed there should be someone to moderate and administer the medication. This may not be ideal, but until there is cooperation, there needs to be someone involved who understands the severity of the situation.

Manic-depressive episodes will interrupt a person’s whole life if medication is not taken properly. There are episodes that cause people to act out in ways that are not out of sync with their normal state. When stable again, there can be a feeling of dissociation to this “other” person. This is commonly linked to addiction due to the lapse in judgment.

For loved ones, there are ways that you can recognize bipolar disorder and begin to seek help. During a manic period, there may be a lack of sleep and increased amount of energy.  Many times there will be a surge of unfinished projects and excessive goals. Sexual behavior is also something to look out for as well.

These amongst other strange behaviors are all reason to check into a facility to begin balancing out on a mood stabilizer. There’s no need to live life with these unnecessary ups and downs when there is treatment. This particular untreated mental disorder is preventable if there is a willingness to get help. Sometimes all it takes is a second to look back at the erratic history to come to a realization and see clearly what’s the next right step.

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, do not lose help! Enlightened Solution’s partial program is designed to help you lead a full life with the love and joy you deserve. Don’t hesitate and take back your life today: 833-801-5483.

The Rooms of AA

Becoming sober means more than getting the substance out of the someone’s system. To be given the gift of sobriety comes with a balance of giving back to those still in the disease. While someone is still abusing substances, there is a fair amount of disregard for others. Whether or not a person has the disease of addiction, there must be respect for all humankind alike if true happiness will ever exist. It is taught in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous how to begin down this path.

When people come into the AA program in all walks of life. Some have been beaten down to the core, while others unscathed. What all of its members have in common is the way the mind justifies and rationalizes its self-sabotaging actions. Often times, those with mental health also struggle with addiction. There are millions of personalities who come together in the rooms and relate to one another. There is a saying, “some are sicker than others.” This is true to some extent. However, all members are the same in the capacity that they seek the same solution.

Although different groups have different rules, there are one set of traditions. One of the more common rules is asking members to refrain from crosstalk. Unsolicited advice will not be tolerated in the group to help with conflicting personalities. Everyone has the right to their own opinion and there is no need to have members arguing about various matters. Despite members being asked to share experience, strength, and hope, people do get off topic. Having compassion for others is all apart of the process.

Members of AA who frequent meetings, will often find a group of friends who can relate on a deeper level. This is part of the reason to keep coming back. Seeing that it works for others who are going through similar circumstances, can spread hope and wisdom. When there are new members, it’s imperative for them that it is a comforting and welcoming experience. While learning how to live sober, members of AA will find themselves living more functioning and peaceful lives. Sobrieties a gift but a gift that must be reciprocated.

Enlightened Solutions clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach is a life-changing experience for people struggling with addiction, alcoholism and/or mental health. Come begin transforming your life in our partial program in New Jersey. Call now for more information and take back your life today! 833-801-5483.

When it is Time to Leave a Relationship Behind

Patient. Acceptance that addiction has power is vital in understanding the next step in how to execute change. If the enabling remains part of the person’s life with addiction and/or alcoholism, there will be no real reason to get help.

Using friends are the first to go on the path to recovery. Cutting off contact with all bad influences will guide the person away from those who do not and will not support their recovery.

Romantic relationships can be complicated. While it is recommended that there shouldn’t be any big changes in the first year of sobriety, it should be pretty clear when this does not apply. When a relationship is based on the substance, it’s time to go. Unless both parties enter treatment and begin work on themselves, the person attempting to recover could be drawn back into old habits by the person still in the disease. Often times, after sobering up, people in recovery have different perspectives in regards to romantic feelings. It can be painful but for a better future, one must walk away from the past.

Under certain circumstances, the identified patient may only have the option to go back into old neighborhoods and environments. Being sober will be difficult around all of the unavoidable triggers. Becoming involved in support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous is beneficial because of the new healthy friendships formed. When times are tough, it’s important to have a sober support network, other than a therapist. As time passes, life will have a brighter outlook and things tend to fall into place.

Enlightened Solution’s holistic, clinical, and 12-step approach is the treatment for anyone whose life is out of control. Begin to heal the body, mind, and soul with our amazing staff here in New Jersey. Don’t wait any longer and contact us today for more information.

Are Vaporizers Bad for your Health?

It is commonly known that when patients enter treatment facilities, they may give into the temptation of nicotine. The fact that nicotine releases dopamine to the brain is one of the reasons why there is a strong craving for the substance. Since vaporizers have come onto the market, the product has become known as less harmful than cigarettes.

Vaporizers have less carcinogenic products and less smoke inhalation than cigarettes which is a good thing. However, even though vaporizers have been approved by the FDA, there are still zero regulations on the additives they use to produce the products e-liquid. Scientists are still studying the long-term effects that these chemical components will have on people.

There are many different manufacturers of e-liquid already. Some of these liquids contain diacetyl, which happens to give butter its buttery taste that we all know so well. This will cause scarring in the lungs known as “popcorn lung.” Why might you ask? The reason behind the name is an incident that occurred in a popcorn factory, where hundreds of employees had been inhaling diacetyl. This was the cause for non-reversing lung damage. There haven’t been any cases of this yet, it’s one of the risks of the usage of diacetyl in the e-liquid.

The are many flavors of e-liquids that produces the smell of the exhalation. The particles in this vaporized material have ultrafine products that can cause pulmonary health problems. The concern is the stigma that vaporizers are healthier than cigarettes. This is not necessarily true. There is no evidence of long-term effects just yet, which means vape users today are the guinea pigs for the product.

Neither vaporizers or cigarettes are a good solution for the body and it doesn’t make much sense to consider “vaping” a step down from smoking cigarettes. It is not suggested to take up smoking while in treatment which would only be trading in one addiction for another. While in treatment, it is suggested to time to embrace the healing process and learn to live without harmful assistance. It may be hard work but it pays off in the end with a long, healthy future.

If you have a history of addictive behavior and/or mental health issues, our safe environment offers a chance to heal. Come begin the transformation with us in New Jersey. Enlightened Solutions has a partial program that includes a clinical, holistic and 12-step approach proven to show real results. For more information, please call 833-801-5483.

Relapse vs. Slip

The road to recovery will always be a bumpy ride. This is true whether or not the person with addiction or alcoholism has relapses and/or slips during the way. Sobriety is a way of life and there must have a daily reprieve to practice abstinence. Otherwise, the mind will tell people that they can participate in disrupting addictive behavior. When there is vigilance about this fact of life, the likelihood of falling into old patterns will become less and less. Good news is that there are many ways those with addictive personalities can prevent this. It’s important to understand that relapse will be set into motion long before the action has taken place.

When people with addiction and/alcoholism are able to remain sober without using the tools of prevention, it is considered to be a “dry drunk” period of time. This means the mind is essentially still in the disease. The mind still wants to numb itself but cannot. This is not a pleasant way to live life, and it can be quite miserable. The disease of addiction, also sometimes considered the disease of the mind. When the tools are being utilizing at first but then begin to fade the addiction has the ability to swoop in and hijack sobriety.

Old habits and thoughts begin to arise and this is when the subconscious begins to relapse. It’s only a matter of time until the person with addiction and/or alcoholism picks up again. Having said that, it is entirely possible to come back from this moment of weakness and continue down the right path again.

The incidents in which someone is strong in sobriety becomes triggered and has a slip. A slip doesn’t have the period of previously relapsing in the mind and it seems to come out of nowhere. Unlike a relapse, the person can pick up the pieces right away and get back on the right track. Whereas with a relapse, it’s common for there to be a struggle in accepting the disease once again.

Relapses and slips have different consequences for each person. Some might have a slip and receive a DUI, while there may be a relapse that surfaces without a scratch. The fact is, no one knows what might happen once a person with addiction and/or alcoholism give into temptation. Therefore, there must always be a strong willingness to use the tools of prevention to live sober.  

If you are struggling with addiction, alcoholism, and/or mental health, Enlightened Solution’s partial program is waiting to help you. Our clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach reaches each individual’s body, mind, and soul. For more information please call today: 833-801-5483.

Body Image and Eating Disorders

The disease of addiction is a way to ignore painful feelings stemming from the past. The many behaviors that people can find themselves compulsively participating. These can range from illegal substances to products you can buy from the store at any age. Body dysmorphia is a psychological condition that involves a false body image. Often times this leads to dangerous eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, and binge eating. Each of these disorders have different side effects and behaviors. Eating disorders are more prevalent in countries that have histories of body shaming. All genders suffer from body dysmorphia.

Body dysmorphic disorder is an addictive behavior. This in particular is the mind obsessing over food. It begins to take on a life of its own, overlooking life’s other responsibilities. Body shaming has been the reason behind much of this behavior. This has been an issue that’s been getting more attention and often times it coincides with addictions to stimulants. One of the more popular prescription medications that’s currently being abused is Adderall. However, adderall is supposed to focus those with ADD and ADHD. In fact, this was initially given to soldiers in WWII, giving them an extra boost of energy to continue the war. Now it’s being used for weight loss and productivity. This is similar to methamphetamines, which can cause psychosis with severe abuse.  

Eating disorders can be damaging to the body. The body needs nutrients to survive and when it’s depleted the body begins to shut down. Although anticipated weight loss may occur, there could be a long list of major health issues down the road. Once in treatment, there will be an opportunity to work on patient’s body image and lack of self-esteem. There will be promotion of self-love and respect which will assist in correcting harmful feelings of self worth. Patients will work on the inner child trauma that had inevitably brought them to the point of self-destruction. Through different methods of therapy are designed to help patients heal. This will in time, will increase the patient’s love for the body, soul, and mind.

If you are struggling with an eating disorder and/or addiction to substances, Enlightened Solutions partial patient program in New Jersey will greatly benefit you. Our clinical, holistic, and 12-step approach is the beginning of a beautiful life with passion and hope. For more information, please call today: 833-801-5483.

Intending Sobriety

The power of setting an intention is immeasurable. Sobriety must always remain the first priority for those with addiction and all else that truly matters will be there when the time is right. Many things are replaceable in life, but family and life itself is not. When a person is ready to get help, the first intention will be set into action. There must be a look into the devastating effects the disease had over life’s unmanageable circumstances. Over time the disease of addiction takes and takes and there might seem like there is no hope for a bright future. Entering treatment and genuinely wanting to change gives patients the opportunity to work on this intention through many forms of therapy.

Each day patients spend sober, the more empowering it is to live life without unhealthy behaviors. The sober mind is allowed to set goals and find passions that had been covered up by the dark energy. This shows to be a natural high and through a connection with a higher power, it is possible to attain. It is suggested to say affirmations, mantras, prayers and to sit in meditation to find the guidance of which step to take next. Letting go of the traumas of the past will pave the way for the bodies chakras to generate true love with the universe.

Treatment is a safe place for the cleansing process of substance addiction and beginning the healing process of recovery. The bodies holistic space had always been there and it’s possible to clear it’s vessel once again. Once a person with addiction and/or alcoholism begins down a path to recovery, sobriety is only the first intention out of many to come. Some people have visions for themselves such as families, jobs, and happiness. Anything is possible if there is the willingness to work the solution of sobriety. Letting the intuition open the doors to a new freedom will give back lost hope. By redirecting the minds negative talk to positive, people will find themselves feeling better inside and out.


Enlightened Solutions partial program offers guidance of the body, mind, and soul. If you are looking to move forward from the past and find peace, the time is now. Letting go of addictive substances and traumas will give you the strength you need to live a life of beauty and serenity. Call for more information today: 833-801-5483.

Addiction is a Family Disease

While in the disease of addiction, one may feel that there is no way out. Denial can be so strong it might seem like tunnel vision. Friends and family members may begin to feel that there is no hope for recovery in their loved one- which is extremely depleting and frustrating. Those who have been enabling addictive behavior, must learn about the harms of enabling and why it must be immediately stopped. However, there should be no shame put forth onto the friends and family members of someone struggling with addiction. If there is to be any progress in getting a loved one struggling with addiction the help they need, it’s time for an intervention.

Interventions give those who truly care about their family member or friend struggling with addiction a safe place to have a necessary confrontation. There should be no judgment or prejudice. In no circumstances, should there be screaming and/or violence. Intervening in someone’s life must come from a loving place. There should be a plan put in place, such as detox and treatment. This is the first step in getting the person in the disease away from the substance’s tight hold. Loved ones may have a hard time standing firm, but they too need to accept the powerlessness of the disease. Things have to change and there’s no better time than the present.

There is always the chance that people will not accept help. If this happens there must be consequences. The enabling must stop and there will have to be new found means of survival or life without certain luxuries. The person with the additive behavior needs to hear from loved ones the harm they had caused and the pleas for action. Communication is key for an intervention to take place, which is why it is encouraged to utilize an intervention specialist. This way, family members can learn where they can go for help as well. If there is more than one family member in the addiction, arrangements will be made. It’s a solution for families as a whole because, in the end, it is a family disease.


Enlightened Solutions offers help with addiction, alcoholism and/or mental health. All whose affected will benefit from the healing process. Come to New Jersey and start fighting for a better life today. For more information call: 833-801-LIVE.

Be Good to the Earth and the Earth will be Good to You

When the disease of addiction is active, it is likely nothing matters except the next drink or drug. While in treatment and getting on a path to recovery, holistic programs encourage a connection with a higher power. This connection lays the groundwork for a new outlook on life completely. Becoming honest and accepting defeat over addictive behavior is a humbling experience. Clients must now look at what drives these thoughts to escape life. While there are a lot of negative aspects about this world, there are also many positives. In other words, if there were no dark, we could not see the light. When people can manage to get out of the mind’s grasp, new beauties and senses arise.

It’s important to learn early in recovery about how to be one with the earth. The connection that is discovered between a human and the earth can have an impact on confidence. Learning about the importance of recycling, composting, and working in a community garden can give more meaning to taking care of the earth. For those who have felt like a burden in the past, recycling and composting is a wonderful way to help see how that couldn’t be further from the truth. Patients can take this experience and realize how they are essential to this earth too. There are billions of people on this planet, and it is vital that we take care of the earth for new generations to come.

Working in the garden is a form of becoming nurturing towards another living organism. The sense of becoming one with the earth is very therapeutic for those with depression and anxiety. Often times, it’s easy to feel a void in the soul and working to sustain the beauty of this earth warms the body to it’s core. Surrendering to the disease of addiction can be difficult and painful, but it can also be freeing. Those who begin to see this can see life in as a whole new beautiful meaning. Clients who find confidence and self-esteem in working to keep our planet green, have a chance at finding a deeper sense of what life is all about. This is all part of the transformation into the light, out of the dark world of addiction.


If you are struggling with addictive behavior and/or mental health, find acceptance and serenity at Enlightened Solutions. Our clinical, holistic and 12-step approach is designed to help you balance the body, mind, and soul Call for more information today: 833-801-5483.

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